Saturday, August 17, 2013

Swanky and A Nature Macro (This week's Photo Hunt themes)

As those who know me can attest, I tend to shy away from swanky surroundings and things -- except in one area: that of the arts.  Let me put it this way: I've been to far more classical music than pop concerts in my life, have attended my share of performing arts shows, and love going to museums and art fairs.  (In fact, I'd go so far as to say that holidays don't feel complete without a visit to at least one museum or art gallery in the area!)

So no surprise there that my swanky shots for Sandi's Photo Hunt were taken at a museum (with the Faberge themed photo being at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum when it hosted a Faberge: Legacy of Imperial Russia exhibition earlier this year) and this year's Art Basel - Hong Kong (which I have to admit to wishing had kept its old name of Art HK).

I can imagine the pairing of the swanky and Gattina's choice of Photo Hunt theme for this week causing some people to rack their brains regarding how to combine them in a single entry.  For me, however, it represents a very welcome opportunity to hammer home a message that I never tire of communicating: that Hong Kong is where I can get my culture (vulture) fix and also pretty easily venture into the countryside to do such as take a nature macro like that of one of many beautiful water lilies in bloom that I saw when I visited the Mai Po Nature Reserve earlier this year. :)


Furries said...

Those are very swanky sculptures. The black one is very elegant too.

magiceye said...

Beautiful takes!

eastcoastlife said...

I thought it was our traditional Dragon jar in the first photo. lol

Ingrid said...

I had to look up what "swanky" means, lol ! A macro of a diamond ring would be the perfect combination !

YTSL said...

Hi "The Indulged Furries" --

Re that black sculpture: it actually alludes to the ruins of the old summer palace in Beijing that was sacked and burnt down by the British and French...

Hi magiceye --


Hi EastCoastLife --

LOL indeed!!! :D

Hi Gattina --

Oh, wow, you're right re the diamond ring! Forgot that diamonds are indeed part of nature... :O

Mike said...

Beautiful water lily! I would love to visit the Mai Po Nature Reserve someday!

Trekcapri said...

Hi YTSL, those are two very cool art exhibits and a beautiful water lily. I also enjoy visiting museums too especially when I'm traveling. I remember a People's museum (kind of different) in Scotland that I visited. Not so much art but lots of cultural & history displays that I enjoyed seeing. In Berlin I saw this museum about the Berlin Wall that was really interesting as well. Wonderful post and take to combine the two themes.

Have a great weekend.

Bing said...

i like the black one!

Carver said...

Great swanky shots and I also love the macro. I'm the same way about shying away from swanky surroundings except for as relates to the arts.

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Swanky indeed!
Happy Hunting ~

Billy said...

Nice! btw, I just watched "The way we dance"! it is great! Tears comes out at last 15 mins!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

fabrage certainly is swanky!

YTSL said...

Hi Moe --

Hope you make it out to Mai Po one day! BTW, there are lots of birds there in the right season... :)

Hi Trekcapri --

I can't remember visiting a People's Museum when I visited Scotland -- but there were interesting historic houses (a Georgian one, an even older -- and also Hollyrood Palace) that I did go to.

Re Berlin: so many museums! But when I visited, the Berlin Wall was still standing... ;b

Hi Bing --

For me, it's a sad one -- see my respones to The Indulged Furries above.

Hi Carver --

Yeah, I could see you and me being the same way in that regard. :)

Hi Sandi --


Hi Billy --

I'm glad you saw and loved "The Way We Dance". Hong Kong films like that deserve support. Next up: try "Unbeatable"! :)

Hi aspiritofsimplicity --

The interesting thing about that exhibition is that it showed that Faberge made more than eggs -- but yeah, they were/are all swanky! ;b