Saturday, August 31, 2013

Model and Show some circles (This week's Photo Hunt themes)

When I visited Macau's Mandarin's House a few years back, I got pretty snap happy -- but when it came to blogging about it, I ended up writing quite a bit more than putting up pictures to share.  But thanks to Sandi's and Gattina's choices of Photo Hunts for this week, I can share a few more of the photos I took that day of the historic site that I consider a model of heritage conservation -- all of which feature a circle or more in them!

The top-most photo was taken through a fence in the grounds through whose circular, round holes one could get glimpses of sections of the property that was not (yet) open to the public -- presumably because they are still undergoing restoration or conservation.  The middle photo shows a moon gate in the main passage way of the Mandarin's House -- with some more of the complex being visible at the back along with some neighboring low-rise apartment buildings.

The last photo is of small-scale models of the Mandarin's House and its surroundings.  (Look closely -- it may help to click to enlarge the image -- and you'll see the moon gate!) Displayed inside a glass case, it was difficult -- nay, impossible! -- to take photos of them without the spotlights installed in the room getting reflected in the pictures.  So normally, I'd consider it a "failed" photo but did it come in handy this week since it allows me to show some circles -- and in a photo of models to boot! ;b


Trekcapri said...

Hi YTSL, very cool to see some of your photos from you trip. I love your use of the circles to frame your shots.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said...

Yap, I have the tendency to take more photos than I need for blogging, but I like it that way.

eastcoastlife said...

Love your clever 'circles' photo.
I am still finding ways to take better photos of beautiful/cool exhibits in glass displays. argh!

Cezar and Léia said...

First of all, thanks so much for your kind visit and words in our Bonjour et Bon Voyage.
Your blog is beautiful and modern!
You have clever eyes, the circles are great for the theme!
You are doing a great job, lots of information and beautiful images. Congratulations!
***About our header picture, it is in UK - Cadwell Farm, Hitchin, Hertfordshire SG5 3UA, United Kingdom. :)

MaR said...

Love the first shot, very creative! I enjoyed your post on the Mandarin's House! glad to be back, TY

circle ~ model

YTSL said...

Hi Trekcapri --

I'm glad you like these Macau pics. Every time I go to Macau, I take a lot of pics -- and end up putting up only a handful on my blog. So there's plenty more where they came from...

Hope you have a good weekend too! :)

Hi ewok1993 --

Me too! Better than not having enough, right? ;)

Hi EastCoastLife --

I'm happy whenever I find glass displays with non-reflecting glass. In any case, I try to get my camera as close as possible to the glass... ;b

Hi Cezar and Leia --

Thanks for the return visit. And re our header pic: I'd never have guessed that it'd be in England! This since I tend to associate rape seed with England more than lavender! ;O

Hi Mar --

Glad you like what you see on this Photo Hunt visit. :)

Ingrid said...

Nice circles you found !

magiceye said...

Wonderful takes!!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

that moon gate is really cool.

Carver said...

Very interesting historic site and perfect shots for the themes. I like the circles in the fence.

YTSL said...

Hi Gattina --

Yes, and I'm glad I got the opportunity this week to share them. :)

Hi magiceye --


Hi aspiritofsimplicity --

I'm glad you like it too. :)

Hi Carver --

Thanks for visiting, looking and appreciating as ever. :)

Susan Demeter said...

Love the circles! :)

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Never to many photos!
That's why we love to photohunt :-)

YTSL said...

Hi Sue --

I'm glad you do! :)

Hi Sandi --

You're not saying never to too many photos, are you? ;b