It's been a while since I took a photo expressly for the Photo Hunt like I did this morning since I'm usually able to find a suitable photo (or more) for a theme by perusing my ever-growing personal digital photo archive. Even more unusually for a Photo Hunt, I felt obliged to take a photo in my living quarters of some of my personal belongings.
This circumstance is attributable to it being so that, as Nuala Rooney observes early in her book about Hong Kongers' experience of high density domestic spaces, "[w]hile high density is certainly a phenomenon increasingly associated with most major cities around the world, in Hong Kong, where only a third of the total geographic land mass can be used for building, affordable spaces tend to be small" (At Home with Density, 2003:2).
Put another way: living in high density domestic space encourages one to want to head out of it. (Though, I have to say that for me, it's also a case of my being pretty happy to live in a small apartment because I know my lifestyle involves being out of it for most of my waking hours!)
But if I needed further encouragement to venture out into the rest of Hong Kong, I've also got -- as I think can be seen in the above photo -- hiking guide books galore as well as books on exploring Hong Kong's streets and checking out local culture and heritage. Of those I have, I'd like to single out the following for being invaluable guides to this part of the world that I've come to realise is more than just a Movie Mecca:
- Michael Ingham's Hong Kong: A Cultural and Literary History (Signal Books (Oxford), 2007),
- Jason Wordie's Streets: Exploring Hong Kong Island (Hong Kong University Press, 2002)
- Alicia M. Kershaw and Ginger Thrash's Above the City: Hiking Hong Kong Island (Hong Kong University Press, 2005); and
- the Country & Marine Parks Authority's Hiking All in One (Friends of the Country Parks and Scout Association of Hong Kong, 2005)