I have to be honest: I almost decided not to take part in this week's Photo Hunt -- not because the theme was too difficult, mind; but, rather, due to my having discovered within the past 24 hours that some photos I had previously posted up on my blog have been stolen by -- and even had copyright claimed on them! -- by a bright spark (not!) of a blogger.
But then I got to thinking of how much I've enjoyed taking part in tnchick's Photo Hunt, and for more than a year now. (In fact, upon checking, I find that my first Photo Hunt entry -- 60 entries ago! -- was back on April 13, 2007!) So here I am, with another pair of photos -- this time on the theme of bright -- which I hope you guys and gals will enjoy checking out:-
Sai Kung East Country Park's Pak Tam Chung
Nature Trail and Sheung Yiu Country Trail
back in March -- bright red flowers
of the ivory coral tree that blooms in the spring
(Oh, and do please do excuse me if I'm a little slower in doing my visiting rounds this week(end) as I'm actually travelling during much of it! And yep, that's also why this entry is up earlier than usual and chances are high that I'll be on a plane when some of you are reading these very words... ;b)