Saturday, August 10, 2013

Blue and A Play of Light (This week's Photo Hunt themes)

Ask people living in Hong Kong what their least favorite season is and I bet that the vast majority will tell you it's summer because this is when the Hong Kong weather is at its hottest -- with the high temperatures (that have gone up to as high as 38 degrees Celsius (i.e., slightly above 100 degrees Fahrenheit) being made to feel much worse because of the accompanying high humidity (that averages around 97-100 percent).

While doing such as standing and waiting for the bus in the middle of the concrete jungle, I've been known to do my share of complaining about the Hong Kong summer heat and humidity.  But there's a part of me that also loves summers in the Big Lychee because it's when the skies tend to be beautifully blue rather than the less visually pleasing grays that I have come to associate during winters in Hong Kong.

The aesthetic pleasure that the blue skies give me is one reason why I hike in summer as well as the cooler months -- unlike many other Hong Kong hikers.  Sure it often is super hot and humid but it also can be really beautiful out in Hong Kong on days with great visibility and blue skies.

And when hiking in areas that are near water, there's the added bonus of seeing water that can appear bluer than the sky. Throw in a play of light (or more) on the water and not only do I have suitable images for Sandi's and Gattina's Photo Hunt themes for this week but ones that I think are worth looking at on other weeks and days besides! :)


magiceye said...

Lovely blues!!

eastcoastlife said...

I didn't know temperatures in summer could be as high as 38 degrees in HK, that's higher than our hottest day.

YTSL said...

Hi magiceye --


Hi EastCoastLife --

Yeah, Singapore and Malaysia are hot all year round but never do seem to get as hot as Hong Kong at its hottest!

Ingrid said...

38°C and humidity ? that must be unbearable ! I already complain when we have 29° with humidity !

aspiritofsimplicity said...

What a beautiful view. It seems as if it is worth the hike.

Annie said...

I agree, the images are fantastic. Love the vivid blue. Your muggy weather sounds very similar to summer in NC thought I know the concrete jungle intensifies it. Hope you have a great weekend.

Bing said...

i am one that could not stand heat and humidity probably because i am hypertensive. i agree that the skies are lovely during summer. as one that loves to capture scenes, i would always love to take photos of the skies.

Carver said...

Beautiful shots. Summer is my least favorite season most years but this year has been cooler than usual so I'm grateful for that.

Anonymous said...

Perfect blue shots for this week's theme.
Have a great weekend.

YTSL said...

Hi Gattina -

It can be pretty awful... and/but that's when I thank goodness for air conditioning! ;)

Hi aspiritofsimplicity --

I definitely thought it was worth the hike. :)

Hi Annie --

Yes, it's definitely hotter in the more densely built up areas... one more reason I like going out hiking in the summer!

Hi Bing --

You're from a part of the world where it can get pretty hot and humid too, right? If so, guess you spend a lot of time in air conditioned space then!

Hi Carver --

Autumn/fall is my favorite season of the year -- and have to say that in Hong Kong, November's my favorite month.

Hi JDeQ --

Thanks, and hope you have a good weekend too. :)

Trekcapri said...

Hi YTSL, wonderful take on the two themes. Your summer blue skies look lovely and I love when the ocean sparkles like that. Lovely.

Yikes on the 100 degrees and 98-100% humidity. I think our hottest summer month is August when it is also in the upper 90's to 100 temps and high humidity. But like you I try to take the positives and enjoy what nature brings.

Have a wonderful (not to hot & humid) weekend.

Frances D said...

I have become a spring fall girl over the years. The summers grow hotter and more humid here on America's East Coast. But the photo opps of summer are always beautiful. If I could dive and swim I would dive right into that ocean.

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Beautiful blues!
Happy Hunting :-)

YTSL said...

Hi Trekcapri --

I think August is our hottest month too. For sure, September is when I start looking forward to cooler days... oh, and the highs predicted for this Sunday is 33 degrees Celsius and it was 34 degrees Celsius in some parts of Hong Kong this past Saturday! ;S

Hi Frances D --

I like the fall/autumn best because in Hong Kong, spring is on the rainy side and my last few years in Philadelphia, I got hay fever in the spring! ;S

Hi Sandi --

Thanks and happy hunting to you too! Thanks for visiting -- good to see you and Gattina leading by example. :)

Samson said...

Nice blues!... On a separate topic, I see that Unbeatable gets an 8.5 from you. Is it better than The Stool Pigeon (still my favorite Dante Lam film to date and from memory your no. 1 HK film in 2010)?

Susan Demeter said...

The water does looking inviting on such a hot, hot day! We can get that hot here, but has been a cooler, and rainier Summer so far. I'm not complaining :) Lovely pics and thank you for your kind compliment on my own. :)

Ramakant Pradhan said...

Lovely collection of blues. The last one is my favourite. Have a great Sunday!

YTSL said...

Hi Samson --

Wow, you've got a good memory. I had to go back to check and confirm that "The Stool Pigeon" was indeed my favorite Hong Kong film of 2010!

I think that in some ways, it is better than "The Stool Pigeon" -- it's less intense but the story's more interesting, I reckon. (For the record, my favorite Dante Lam film remains "The Beast Stalker". Also, you might wish to check today's South China Morning Post's for a Dante Lam interview piece that you may find interesting... ;b)

Hi Sue --

Would you believe that I'm content to enjoy looking at the water rather than dipping in it -- even on a super hot day? ;b

Hi Ramakant --

I'm glad you like the photos -- and hope you have a good Sunday too! :)