Saturday, August 24, 2013

Humble and Your morning (This week's Photo Hunt themes)

Each morning in ethnic Chinese enclaves in various parts of the world, including Philadelphia, Penang or Hong Kong, some people are sitting down to have a morning meal of dim sum -- that can be humble or extravagant, depending on such as the dining establishment they've opted for and their choices of dishes.

Hong Kong being the 24-hour city that it is, there also are dim sum establishments that are open 24 hours and others that, even if they do close for a few hours in the 24-hour cycle, do serve dim sum at dinner as well as breakfast and lunch.  And it's true enough that I'm among the people who have happily eaten some dim sum dishes close to midnight and will fairly regularly do so for dinner -- with my neighborhood branch of Tim Ho Wan -- whose humbleness may be gleaned by meals there never having exceeded HK$60 (~US$7.74) per person -- having become a favorite eating place over the past year or so.

Of course it doesn't mean that I'm not partial to starting my morning with a dim sum breakfast.  But there also are days when the only 'breakfast' I have is a humble cup of instant coffee.  In addition, I've also been known to be happy with just one pineapple bun or egg tart to get me through the morning.

But while those options could fit Sandi's and Gattina's Photo Hunts themes for this week, I figure this more open take on the theme makes for more interesting photos!  And for the record: yes, I would be happy indeed to begin my morning by chomping done on a humble dish of chicken feet -- that really are far more appetizing than they look!  ;b


Furries said...

I learned something new - I didn't know dim sum was a breakfast food.

magiceye said...

Deliciously humble mornings!!

eastcoastlife said...

aiyoo.... you so bad!! I miss yummy HK dimsum!!

YTSL said...

Hi The Indulged Furries --

Dim sum is actually an anytime of day food -- at least in Hong Kong! ;b

Hi magiceye --

Yes, indeedy! :)

Hi EastCoastLife --

Sounds like someone needs to visit Hong Kong again soon then... ;b

Carver said...

Good take on the theme. There are foods where I live that can be humble or extravagant depending on where you go. I'll have to take your word for it on chicken feet. Happy Weekend.

Anonymous said...

Humble food is often the best!

Have a great weekend.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I would like to visit there and see the people flocking for their breakfast of dim sum. But, I think I will pass on the chicken feet. I'm sure you will pass on things that we eat as well.

YTSL said...

Hi Carver --

I get the feeling that chicken feet and duck feet are *the* dim sum offerings many Westerners are least likely to want to try! Never mind, there are lots of less scary items -- like the egg tarts. :)

Hi JDeQ --

Humble food can be much better than one thinks! ;b

Hi aspiritofsimplicity --

By "we", you mean Americans? Well, I never dared to try scrapple, chitterlings and Rocky Mountain oysters... and on a more mundane note, I actually can't stand cinnamon, so no cinnabon, etc, for me! ;b

Team Tabby said...

Humble food, wondering if it would be similar to what we call 'comfort food'

ours is here:

Ingrid said...

I could eat that with pleasure but not in the morning ! Rather for lunch or supper ! I only drink coffee I can't eat anything in the morning !

Trekcapri said...

Hi YTSL, I absolutely love dim sum. I haven't tried them for breakfast though. But I wouldn't mind the egg tart with a nice cup of hot coffee. Of the three photos, I'm thinking that the chicken feet would most likely not start my mornings out properly. :)

Have a great weekend.

YTSL said...

Hi Team Tabby --

For some people, certain dim sum dishes certainly are "comfort food" -- I'm thinking especially of char siu pao (barbecued pork buns) which usually are a hit with children and adults. :)

Hi Gattina --

But Germans eat huge breakfasts too! (I found this out when visiting my German friend a few years ago!) Is it that Belgians eat more like the French and you've become used to that style?

I'm actually like you that way. Sometimes, after a big dim sum brunch, I just go home and nap afterwards as I find it all pretty heavy for a first meal of the day! ;b

Hi Trekcapri --

Re the chickenfeet: don't knock it until you tried it! Hehe... ;b

Bing said...

hi, YTSL!

your post made me crave for dimsum although i haven't had dimsum on a breakfast. :)

YTSL said...

Hi Bing --

Well, it was tea-time when you saw my blog post, right? Another good time to have dim sum! ;b