Saturday, June 14, 2014

Dusk and Round (This week's Photo Hunt themes)

Over the years, there have been certain Hong Kong landmarks that I find myself photographing over and over again, from different angles, under different weather conditions and at different times of the day.  Among these is Devil's Peak, which may stand at only 222 meters in height but still can look a pretty formidable sight, guarding the eastern entrance into Lei Yue Mun, a short but important passage between Tseung Kwan O (AKA Junk Bay) and Victoria Harbour, and separating Hong Kong Island from the Kowloon Peninsula.

One reason why I enjoy taking photos of Devil's Peak is because of the "I've been up there" (and more than once, in fact!) factor. Another is that the sky above it and the waters around it can be so visually changeable.  

For the most part, however, my shots of Devil's Peak are taking during the day -- and about the only reason why I took a dusk-time snap of it was to show the friend I was with the capabilities of my then new Sony Cybershot DSC HX-50V, in particular its 30X zoom, by first taking the second photo from the top of this entry for Sandi's and Gattina's Photo Hunts, then zooming in to take a shot of the small but bright round object in that photo and not only revealing it to be the moon but also being to show the dark craters on it! :)


Anne said...

I have landmarks that I enjoy photographing over and over again too! I like that you shared the two captures of Devil's Peak, it really makes the dusk photo come to life to see it against the daytime photo. LOVE that moon!

magiceye said...

Beautiful takes for the themes.

Re your query on my post - Designed by Frederick William Stevens with influences from Victorian Italianate Gothic Revival architecture and traditional Mughal buildings, the station was built in 1887 in the Bori Bunder area of Bombay to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria.

Trekcapri said...

Hi YTSL, I can see why you enjoy photographing Devil's Peak. I love the clouds in the first photo. And what a great camera. Amazing capture on the full moon. Beautiful.

Have a great weekend.

MaR said...

Stunning picture of the moon!! well done.
I guess your guess on my picture is right ;) Enjoy your weekend.

eastcoastlife said...

Why is it called the Devil's Peak? It looks good to explore.

I went to Yangon with a tour group, the parties were preparing for elections then, so we signed up with a tour agency for security reasons :)

Beautiful country. I only see a little of Yangon for 4 days.

Ingrid said...

Your moon picture is perfect !

Susan Demeter said...

That is a beautiful shot of the moon :) Great minds thinking alike this week :)

Carver said...

Beautiful shots. I always like your posts both for the photography and narrative. I didn't do the photohunt this week but thought I'd pop by.

Samson said...

Completely off topic here: Senior Project - 2 out of 10. Is that the film written by the student at one of HK's international schools who shares the same name as the NBA player? Haven't seen you give such a low score in a long, long time! Is it really that BAD?

Mike said...

Great shots! Lovely moon.

Iowa Voice

YTSL said...

Hi Anne --

Thanks for appreciating my efforts. And yes, I would say that the top-most of Devil's Peak is better -- but the centre one links well with the moon/round theme. :)

Hi magiceye --

Thanks for responding to my query re your post -- and makes sense re the architectural style of that building in question. :)

Hi Trekcapri --

Thanks much, and I hope you have a good weekend too. :)

Hi Marcy --

With my previous camera, the pictures of the moon never came out as well as this camera. And can you believe this pic wasn't even taken with a tripod? ;D

Hi EastCoastLife --

I think it's called Devil's Peak because certain sections of it are really steep and if you fell from it, you'd be a goner!

Re Yangon: okay, can see why you'd go with a guided tour in that instance -- but I'm going to try to go by myself or not at all!

Hi Gattina --

Thanks, I'm glad you think so! :)

Hi Sue --

The moon can look so round... ;b

Hi Carver --

Thanks so much for visiting and commenting even though you're not officially Photo Hunting yourself. Long may this continue -- the visiting and commenting bit, I mean!

Hi Samson --

Yep, it's that Senior Project. And yes, it's that bad -- it's like an after school TV special, only worse. :(

Hi Mike --

Thanks for the appreciation, I appreciate it! :)

Samson said...

Hi again YTSL,

Re Senior Project: Ouch! I remember reading an article in SCMP about the project and subsequently hearing about its success in getting funded through Kickstarter. I actually wondered at the time how much the writer's name has got to do with the media attention the project had received.

peppylady (Dora) said...

water looks cold.

YTSL said...

Hi again Samson --

I think what you said re "Senior Project" makes some sense. Also get the distinct feeling that the young scriptwriter comes from a super affluent, 'connected' background - cf his story of meeting Alan Tam *at the Hong Kong Jockey Club* (and note that this is different from meeting at the races) in one of the SCMP articles about him.

Hi peppylady --

Actually, I don't think the water was that cold in either picture! ;)

Samson said...

Hmm, money and connections can certainly get one opportunities but not necessarily success. And yes, I remember seeing the video of the screenwriter's chance meeting with Alan Tam and thought it was badly scripted and rather poorly acted. ; )

Moving on from what sounds like one of the year's worst films to one of the year's best, I notice Taiwanese film Kano scoring 9 out of 10. That's a great score! What's good about it? I am really hoping to get the chance to see it on the big screen. Any reviews from you, here or elsewhere?

YTSL said...

Hi again Samson --

I loved "Kano" for it having a heartwarming story that brought lumps to my throat and tears to my eye. Sorry, no reviews from me -- but Maggie Lee's over at the Variety website is recommended (while Clarence Tsui's over at the Hollywood Reporter website is more considered, if downbeat -- as in I understand his criticisms but still felt moved by the story the way it was told).