Saturday, April 21, 2012

Reflect and Humour (This week's Photo Hunt themes)

As those of you who have become acquainted with my Ponyos know, Puppet Ponyo is the Ponyo plushie that I take on vacation and appears in my travel photo-essays (like this Japanese one and this German one).  And as many of you probably also realize, my Ponyos help inject some often very welcome humour and whimsy into my life.  So it shouldn't take much reflection to figure out what I'd turn to for this week's entry for Sandi's and Gattina's Photo Hunts in view of humour (spelt the British English way with two "u"s!) being one of the designated themes!

At the same time, this set of Puppet Ponyo photos are a bit different from the usual ones -- in that they were taken in Hong Kong (which these days is my home territory as opposed to a foreign travel destination). More precisely, they were taken on a visit to Hong Kong Wetland Park in Tin Shui Wai with my German friend -- who lived in Hong Kong for seven years (and is officially a Hong Kong permanent resident!) before being recalled to Germany by her company -- on one of her regular visits to a part of the world we both love.

As it so happens, two out of the three Puppet Ponyo photos that I've selected for this blog entry turn out to feature bodies of water on which interesting reflections can be seen.  And with regards to humour: I have to say that pretty much every photo I see of Puppet Ponyo invariably gets me smiling. 

Still, I do reckon there's something especially humourous about the photo in which Puppet Ponyo is perched atop the sculpture of what appears to be a baby stork in the style of a rodeo rider while my friend it was who suggested -- and was particularly tickled by -- the Puppet Ponyo kissing a frog picture.  So maybe it could be said that whichever of these photo most appeals to you will say something about -- and will be a reflection of? -- your particular character and personality! ;b


Carver said...

What a fun post. Great idea for the themes.

Photo Cache said...

this is the first time i've seen puppet ponyo. i should go back and read some archives.

it's not allowing me to sign with wordpress.

eastcoastlife said...

So cute pictures! I like your Ponyo. I have a mini Elmo which I should display sometimes. :D

LifeRamblings said...

your Ponyo is adorable and seems like it enjoys posing for a photo shoot. :) the second photo is my favourite.

Trekcapri said...

Hi YTSL, I love seeing Puppet Ponyo in your posts. I love all three photos so I wonder what that says about my personality, a bit of reflection, a bit of adventure and a bit of affection. :)

It's no wonder you take Ponyo along with you. She makes me smile too. :) Wonderful take on the two themes. Have a great weekend.

MaR said...

Puppet Ponyo is adorable! what cute shots for the themes. Humor is missing, I only got reflect :)

Gattina said...

Lol ! Ponyo has such a funny face !

YTSL said...

Hi Carver --

I'm glad you enjoyed the post and approve of my take on the themes. :)

Hi Photo Cache --

Goodness me re this being the first time that you've seen Puppet Ponyo! Yes, do go back and check out some old posts featuring her. And yikes re your not being able so sign in with wordpress. Hopefully, it's only a temporary glitch!

Hi Ecl Tan --

Yeah, do display mini Elmo sometime! ;b

Hi LifeRamblings --

Puppet Ponyo does indeed seem to enjoy posing for photos. Or, at least, I do enjoy posing her for photos... ;)

Hi Vicki --

I'm happy to learn that I made you LOL with this entry! :)

Hi Trekcapri --

Sounds like you like Puppet Ponyo, wherever she is and from whatever camera angle! ;b

Hi Mar --

Another fan of Puppet Ponyo -- yay! Was going to say that humor is NOT missing... then I realized you were referring to your Photo Hunt entry for this week! :DDD

Hi Gattina --

It's a funny and adorable and cute face, I reckon! :b

sarah bailey knight said...

Hi ytsl and Ponyo,

Wonderful photos for the topic and Ponyo you look so adorable!!!

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

That looks like a great travel buddy~ he doesn't take up much room and eats even less!
Thanks for playing at The Saturday PhotoHunt.

magiceye said...

nice takes :)

YTSL said...

Hi sbk --

Are you still ruing your not having made off with Puppet Ponyo in Okinawa and taken her back home with you? In any case, Puppet Ponyo says "Hi" especially to you! ;b

Hi Sandi --

Puppet Ponyo is indeed a great travel buddy but errr, she's a girl, not a boy! ;D

Hi magiceye --

Am glad the post caused you to smile. :)

Susan Demeter said...

These are too cute! Made me smile :)

sarah bailey knight said...

Hi ytsl,

Hehehe.....I did invite Puppet Ponyo to come home with me several times but she politely declined my offers.
Maybe I should have promised her a salt water pool to swim in, heated in winter too......

CherryPie said...

The top photo makes me smile :-)

YTSL said...

Hi Sue --

Yay, smiling is good -- and Puppet Ponyo pics being able to make you smile really great! :)

Hi again sbk --

Goodness, so that's what you two were talking about during your Okinawa huddles... ;b

Hi Cherry Pie --


Annie said...

Puppet Ponyo makes me smile too. She/he is very well travelled!

YTSL said...

Hi Annie --

Puppet Ponyo's a "she" (despite her short hair) and does seem to make quite a few people smile... :)