Saturday, November 24, 2007

Tai Tau Chau (Photo-essay)

The following photos were taken when I went exploring beautiful -- and surprisingly accessible -- Tai Tau Chau, near Shek O, with a good friend of mine back in mid October (the day after my scenic walk from Tung Chung to Tai O with another three friends, in fact!) . I've already put up a few photos of the Shek O area on my blog, including on the Photo Hunt entry I put up earlier today, but I figure that it's worth devoting more attention to this scenic as well as surprisingly rural section of Hong Kong Island. Once more, as with my past photo-essays, I hope that you'll enjoy and agree that this part of Asia really does have its share of natural beauty spots! :)

View of Tai Tau Chau from Shek O's Rocky Bay Beach

Approaching the island from Shek O Headland  

View from Tai Tau Chau itself

A trio of fisherman --
probably enjoying the surroundings more than

seriously thinking they can catch much from there!

As for me -- have to confess that I found
the strong waves and white foam they generated
quite intimidating at times

This cluster of rocks doesn't look too special
when viewed from this angle...

...but lookit what happens
when viewed from over here! :b

Peaceful and quiet...
but not all that far away from civilization! ;b


Anonymous said...

Ooo, I love those rock formations. Those are beautiful photos.

Lynn said...

What can I say...picturesque!

YTSL said...

Hi Alejna --

Thanks for giving me more concrete proof that you did enjoy my photo essays... :)

Hi Lynn --

Thanks for checking out more than just my Photo Hunt entries! :)

Ingrid said...

What a beautiful landscape !!

YTSL said...

Hi Gattina --

Yeah, isn't it just? :)

Anonymous said...

Once again an enjoyable essay/post.
Never thought Hong Kong would have such beautiful places and beaches.

Those rocks looks like sculptures! One looks like a polar bear!

Anonymous said...

apparently I spell my own name wrong - the last comment with "lisa" is me lissa.

guess I'm having those off days.

Hope you're enjoying your weekend.

JO said...

lovely photos!!!

very breathtaking!!!

YTSL said...

Hi Ladybanana --

Yes, it is! :)

Hi Lissa --

Glad you're enjoying your visits to this blog. And tee hee re your polar bear comment: I saw a floppy-eared dog there myself! :)

BTW, in case you wondered, this *isn't* my Photo Hunt entry for this week... ;b

Hi Jo --

Thanks! And should you check back here: I tried to visit your blog but it's not too Mozilla Firefox friendly and caused my computer to hang. So I wasn't able to check things out there all that much -- sorry! :S

Anonymous said...

I did read your Photohunt post but I thought this was better to comment on and it seem to be a continuation of that post.

Willow said...

Looks great out there.

YTSL said...

Hi again Lissa --

Oh, I see and thanks for that. It's nice to see the Photo Hunt comments being spread around... :)

Hi Willow --

Maybe you could do this pretty easy hike when you next visit Hong Kong? ;b