Saturday, January 5, 2008

Delicious (This week's Photo Hunt theme)

Happy 2008 to all you Photo Hunters (and other visitors to this blog) and hope that the new year is treating you better than it is me. (I've come down with a cold -- as it so happens, my first in over eight months! -- which, unfortunately, makes me less able than usual to appreciate delicious items like that in the photos I put up especially for this week's Photo Hunt... :S)

Those of you who are familiar with Japanese food, especially sushi and sashimi, will undoubtedly be able to tell what those orange-colored edibles in the pictures are. And those of you who, like me, hold Japanese cuisine in high esteem, will undoubtedly have fond memories of imbibing your share of delicious portions of uni and ikura (sea urchin and salmon roe in English respectively).

Frankly, for my money, nothing can beat really good uni and ikura. Notice though that I specified "really good" because if not fresh, these two gourmet items can taste rather slimy and, in the case of the latter, overly 'fishy' rather than creamy in the case of uni and salt-waterily fresh in the case of ikura. However, rest assured that the pictured uni and ikura are both of high quality indeed. As proof, I furnish the fact that the first photo (of the boxes of uni all ready for sale) was taken at Tokyo's amazing Tsukiji Market while the second photo is of a set meal that I personally as well as happily devoured at a restaurant over here in Hong Kong... :b


Unknown said...

oohhh...i love sushi and sashimi. that food looks yummy!

mine is up, too here.

Amazing Gracie said...

The photos are great but I have never developed a taste for Sushi.
Funny, because I love my steak rare!

Anonymous said...

love to eat sushi but..never have a chance to have one..huhu..

YTSL said...

Hi idealpinkrose --

That pictured food IS yummy! :b

Hi amazing gracie --

Maybe you should give sushi a try again -- albeit with different types from what you had before. And yeah, I love my steak rare -- well, medium rare -- but also tartare! :)

Hi soul --

You've got me wondering where you live as sushi doesn't seem to be that difficult to find in many places these days...

jmb said...

Not my favourite food, although it is everywhere in Vancouver. Good photos YTSL of somebody's delicious, just not mine.

Ingrid said...

I don't know the japanese kitchen very well. I tried it once in Amsterdam and didn't like it at all. But then I tried sushis and these once tasted very good. Here in Brussels we have some japanese Restaurants but they are very, very expensive so I have to try again in Amsterdam where prices are more democratic, lol !

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I'm not a fan of Japanese food. But my boyfriend is! :D

Kayla (detailoring) said...

You know... I've heard of sushi and sashimi... but I'd never seen them. Now I have.

It looks pretty good!

Mine is up as well. Happy Saturday!v

Lynn said...

I'm not big on Japanese food but I do appreciate their aesthetics. Salmon roe though is a favorite of mine in kani salad.

Hootin Anni said...

No sushi for me. But I WILL send along some "get well" wishes!!! Hope your cold is leaving, and you feel much better!!!

My delicious is served....ummmm, posted! Drop by for a tasty treat!!

jams o donnell said...

I love sushi! Happy weekend

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Sushi :) My family loves sushi, even the name of our dog is 'Sushi' :P It's not a Weekend;It's a Lifestyle

lissa said...

not a fan of Japanese food - just can't seem to like it no matter how it's prepare but I can appreciate those we like it. There is certain beauty to how the food is prepare.

Thanks for visiting my final photohunt and have a wonderful week!

Mommy Lutchi said...

solove sushi and anything japanese...thanks for sharing. Mine is up at 4SeasonsOfmylife and
2Cents Worth . Hope you can visit me too. Happy Hunting.

**"Liza"** said...

Ohhh those looks yummy!..;) love sushi..;)
Mine is up too

Anonymous said...

Oh my! That is ALOT of roe!

I love sushi, your pic looks really yummy.

Thanks for dropping by :)

YTSL said...

Hi jmb --

Am surprised by the percentage of Photo Bloggers who don't much care for sushi/sashimi or haven't tried it. Ah well, different strokes for different folks, as the proverbial 'they' say.

Hi Gattina --

I'm lucky to be in a part of the world where there are many Japanese restaurants, many of them good and rather reasonably priced. Japanese food is quite diverse: Hope you'll explore the Japanese 'kitchen' more. :)

Hi pelf --

And you're a fan of your boyfriend, right? ;b

Hi Madame Meow --

With a moniker like yours, can't imagine your not liking sushi and/or sashimi! ;D

Hi Lynn --

Yes, Japanese food often is aesthetically pleasing indeed but also very delicious! :)

Hi Hootin' Annie --

Thanks, am feeling better -- good enough, in fact, to feel that I can go and enjoy a Japanese lunch today! :)

Hi Jams O Donnell --

At last, a fellow sushi lover! Happy weekend to you too! :)

Hi denz --

I like to think I have nice pictureS... ;)

Hi napaboaniya --

Wow, sounds like quite the family of sushi fans you've got there!!! :)

Hi lissa --

Yes, reckon that Japanese food often looks beautiful as well as delicious.

Hi 2cents and Liza --

Aaah, two more sushi lovers to add to the count! :)

Hi penpusher --

A lot of roe but even more sea urchin! :b

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Yes, these orange-colored edibles are indeed from the upper levels of delicious ;-)

Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!

YTSL said...

Hi snoopythegoon --

Agree -- and btw, guess what I treated myself with at lunch today? :b