Saturday, January 12, 2008

Skinny (This week's Photo Hunt theme)

The word
skinny tends to bring to mind skinny physiques, arms and legs for me. However, as regular visitors to this blog might have noticed, I'm neither a photographer who's comfortable with taking shots of strangers nor a blogger who's all that comfortable with putting up photos of herself, her family and friends on the internet. Consequently, this week's Photo Hunt theme is one for which I don't have too many suitable photos...

Yet, when looking at this particular photo that I put up, don't you get to thinking that the two buildings in focus -- and, should anyone be interested, located in the primarily residential Happy Valley section of Hong Kong -- are on the skinny as well as very tall side? Also, should anyone wonder, the pair comprise high end apartment blocks whose sleek architectural design I do admire yet am not sure that I would feel all that comfortable occupying space within!


Anonymous said...

It look so high up! I don't have fear of heights but I'm also not that comfortable living in heights. I'd rather have a two-storey house than live in a condominium unit that's about several hundreds of feet in the air. But it looks beautiful, though.

Ingrid said...

I wouldn't like to live in these skinny buildings either ! It was quite difficult to find something for this week's Photo Hunt, I also don't have any anorexic family members lol ! Fortunately I found the skeleton !

Wirelessbliss said...

i can just look at it from below.. but if ever i'm up there, i'll refuse to look down--i have fear of heights :(

when it rains, it pours

Anonymous said...

They do make a great picture. My son lives 53 floors up and loves it. I must ask him if he can feel any movement in the wind :(

Hootin Anni said...

What an awesome photo for 'skinny'!! I love the scenery very much.

My skinny photo is published now, would you care to visit with me? I'd love to have you drop by!!

Pretty Life Online said...

nice catch! for the theme of the week...

Randi said...

Wonderful take on the theme.
It looks really beautiful ... from the ground!

Aleckii said...

you're right! They do look skinny. I come from Malaysia, and we have the Petronas twin tower, I guess from a distance it should look pretty skinny as well?

Check my skinny pic out-

I was at Hong Kong last year. Beautiful country, would love to go again.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Those buildings do certainly look skinny! :)

sarah bailey knight said...


Great take on the skinny theme. Would it be fun to be on a higher floor during a typhoon? Not for me but I think for some it would be...

YTSL said...

Hi Prudence --

Hmmm, better not move to Hong Kong then as most people here live in high rise apartments rather than two- or single-storey houses... ;b

Hi Gattina --

Hahaha re your noting that you also don't have any anorexic family members! :D

Hi wirelessbliss --

Oh dear re your having a fear of heights. For some reason, that seems to be quite a 'popular' phobia... as two of my friends and my sister suffer from that too.

Hi a. --

53 floors up! No wonder he was able to take that amazing picture (on your blog) of tops of buildings above the clouds then! :)

Hi Hootin' Anni --

Glad you like my photo and yes, I did go and drop by over at your blog. :)

Hi Pretty Life Online --

Thanks, glad you approve! :)

Hi Randi --

The funny thing is that I did take the picture from the ground... but high ground. (I was out hiking that day... ;b)

Hi Alecki --

I'm from Malaysia too (but currently living in Hong Kong)! :)

Also, uh, Hong Kong is not a country -- rather, it's a Special Administrative Region of China... ;S

Hi Dragonheart & Merlin --

Thanks for agreeing with me! ;b

Hi sbk --

Hmmm, have never been on a high floor in a typhoon. Have never been in a typhoon (yet), actually!!

Anonymous said...

You know what?At first glance, these two skinny tall buildings look like rulers to me. Heehee (= Cool shot.

jennyr said...

that's a great idea! nice take for the theme!my photohunt is at Hobbies and Such.

Liz Hinds said...

Oh my word! How many floors is that? I wouldn't like to be up there even with that view.

And very skinny.

Mommy Lutchi said...

cool shot, I'm scared of buildings like this....thanks for sharing.

Mine is up at 2Cents Worth and
. Hope you can all visit me too. Happy Photo Hunting.

Carver said...

I like that shot a lot and it's perfect for skinny. I'm also not comfortable taking picture of strangers and I try to respect the privacy of my family except when I know they don't mind or they are no longer living. I understood what you meant about that. I think what you came up with worked great for the theme.

YTSL said...

Hi pelfy --

Teehee, yes, I can see how those buildings can look like rulers in that photo -- they're so straight as well as tall and skinny, aren't they? ;b

Hi Jenny --

Thanks! :)

Hi Liz --

Am not sure about the exact number but I reckon that it's probably over 40, maybe 50, as well!

Hi 2cents --

There doesn't seem to be too many high-apartment dwellers among us Photo Hunters, does it? ;b

Hi Carver --

Thanks for seeing where I'm coming from on the privacy issue. And must admit my surprise, when on Photo Hunts, I see so many bloggers who are much more forthcoming than me on matters of family, etc.

jmb said...

I would think there are lots of skinny buildings in Hong Kong. Just as well I don't live in those highrises, I'm scared of heights too.

YTSL said...

Hi jmb --

Am not sure about skinny but it's true enough that Hong Kong does have lots of buildings that are taller than they are wide.

SabineM said...

fabulous photo! So tall and skinny!

YTSL said...

Hi SabineM --

Thanks, glad you liked it! :)

Willow said...

I am of the belief that if you want to go taller and thinner, you should save that for the upper section and fortify the structure with a wider base. These 2 towers look like toothpicks. I wonder how sound the buildings actually are.

YTSL said...

Hi Willow --

I see where you're coming from but I think that part of the reason why HK builders go tall and thin is because it means that they can get more space per square feet.