Saturday, February 21, 2009

Warm (This week's Photo Hunt theme)

The Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary gives several definitions for the word warm, including one that very much suits this photographer's Photo Hunt needs: "A warm colour is one which is based on or contains a colour such as red, yellow or orange which suggests warmth."

As it so happens, those photos also happen to have been taking on a day last September when the weather was definitely not cold or cool but not completely hot either: i.e., warm! In addition, it was a day that I do have especially fond -- one might even say warm... ;) -- memories of; seeing as it was the Sunday after my birthday and I spent a significant part of it out in Tai Mei Tuk hanging out with my mother and a few good friends; and the sun fully co-operated in allowing me to take photos such as the above by doing such as bathing its rays on the waters of picturesque Tolo Harbour as well as the surrounding land. :)


SASSY MOM said...

Well that photo looks refreshing for a warm day. have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Those photos are so gorgeous! Love the different colors in each of them. I bet that was a very special warm day. Thanks for visiting mine and have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures for the theme. happy weekend.

Corey~living and loving said...

WOW! great photos. They really have a nice warm tone to them. :)

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

You've got really beautiful warm pictures that pretty much warmed my heart today :)
Happy Weekend!

Leslie said...

Oh your photos are so beautiful! Have a great weekend. :)

YTSL said...

Hi Sassy Mom --

Which photo? I've got more than one in this entry... ;(

Hi Annie --

Thanks for your comments and hope you have a great weekend too. :)

Hi gen/entry --

Thanks and happy weekend to you too! :)

Hi Corey --

I agree re the warm tones. :)

Hi Napaboaniya --

Glad to do my part in keeping your heart warm... :)

Hi Leslie --

Thanks and thank goodness for it being it the weekend, right? :b

Anonymous said...

So beautiful! Like liquid gold...

Ingrid said...

In Brussels it's cold and wet so I love to see warm pictures !

Anonymous said...

Monochrome pictures of light on water are my particular love - lovely.

jams o donnell said...

Great shots. I love those wonderful warm colours. Happy weekend

jmb said...

Those are indeed lovely warm photos YTSL. Happy weekend to you.

Jackie said...

looks very warm, refreshing and fun!!

I think I would love to give it a go...maybe someday!!

Happy weekend:-)

EG CameraGirl said...

September was definitely warmer here in Canada than it is NOW.

My Photo Hunt post is at
More of Me - EG

Anonymous said...

These are warm photos :) The glow is wonderful!

Happy weekend!

YTSL said...

Hi Mudhooks --

Like your liquid gold analogy! :)

Hi Gattina --

Sounds like you're in for a real treat this Photo Hunt then! ;)

Hi Aileni --

Guess you already know but I share your love for such photos. :b

Hi jams o donnell --

Thanks and happy weekend to you too. :)

Hi jmb --

Glad you approve! :)

Hi Shinade --

Should you go over to Tai Mei Tuk, I'd recommend a little hike and barbecue like I did that Sunday. But the water sports are indeed tempting too! ;b

Hi EG Tour Guide --

Heheh, I can imagine! Have been to Canada twice -- one in May, the other time in December. What a big difference a few months can make to the weather!!!

Hi Julie --

Thanks, and am glad that you can see (and hopefully also feel) the glow. :)

Anonymous said...

Just so warm, I love warm weather same as the place where I live the tropics.

stan said...

yes I love the sepia and grey warm tones

Colin Campbell said...

Lovely shots and very warm in feeling.

annalarssonphotography said...

Adorable warm shots! :)
The last one is poetry for my soul and the warm colours is just stunning!

Mine is up too!
Happy weekend! :)

Carver said...

Great post and fantastic photographs for the warm theme. Happy weekend.

marcia@joyismygoal said...

I like that liquid gold analogy too I wish to be there warm now:0

Patricia said...

Very lovely!!! I went with "warm colors" and the suggestion of warmth, too.

Susan Demeter said...

Beautiful warm scenes :)

My Photo Hunt entry is here

Thank you for stopping by! :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures, very warm!

Brita said...

Wow! Great shots. Just stunnig. And makes me long for the warm weather even more as it's snowing here right now.

PowersTwinB said...

Gorgeous photos! Nothing beats a warm day! Love them! My hunt is up, please come and visit soon

eastcoastlife said...

It's not warm in Singapore these days... it's hot!!
Enjoy your weekend!

MaR said...

Gorgeous shots!! perfect for the theme.
Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Interesting shots! I so would like to dip my feet in some warm water!
Thanks for stopping by my blog too.

bonggamom said...

My husband loves windsurfing... nice photo!

Dragonstar said...

These are such beautiful photos, particularly that list one - perfect!

Maureen Hayes said...

Warm photos from warm memories, nice for the theme. I like the use of the sepia tones as well.

Mine is up at:

Happy Photo Hunt!

ewaffle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ewaffle said...

Sorry about the double comment post--

I don't know much about photography but friends who do have told me that pictures of or over water can be very challenging--you seem to have a real talent for it, plus plenty of great spots from which to take them.

The middle image is a real knockout with the combination of the changing color/angle of the sunlight picking up the texture of the chop on the water.

Anonymous said...

I like the middle shot, it seems like a sunny day to me and that's a warm feeling

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos!

Happy Weekend.

Anonymous said...

Such LOVELY warm photographs. Thanks for sharing.
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I love the color its really romantic. Thanks for dropping

Anonymous said...

Warm day, warm colours, warm feelings - you managed to get them all. I've been doing this for two years now and I feel inspiration harder and harder to come by. It might be time for a re-think. Yours was one of the first blogs i "connected" with.

YTSL said...

Hi "Ordinary Biscuit" --

Funny... I actually prefer cooler -- though not outright cold -- weather! ;b

Hi Stan --

Glad you like -- and in case you're wondering: that's natural. I didn't do anything Photoshopping to the photos... ;)

Hi Colin --

Thanks for the warm words re my Photo Hunt entry. :)

Hi Vita --

Yeah, I like that third photo a lot too. :)

Hi Carver --

Thanks and it's been indeed a happy weekend (It's 8:21pm on a Sunday over here as I write this...)

Hi Marcia --

It has indeed been a nice warm day over here. Started off wearing a turtleneck but actually spent most of the day in just a T-shirt for a top. :b

Hi Patricia --

Great minds think alike? ;)

Hi Sue --

Thanks and you're welcome. :)

Hi Social Frog --

Glad you think so! :)

Hi Brita --

How amazingly varied our world can be, isn't it? For like I wrote above, it's been pretty warm here today, actually!

Hi PowerTwinsB --

Actually, I'd like my days cool rather than warm. Though having said that, my "cool" may be many other people's "warm". So... ;b

Hi EastCoastLife --

I can believe what you said re Singapore -- and from my way of thinking, it's hot there throughout the year! :D

Hi Mar --


Hi Dianne --

Would you believe that I just looked at the water rather than went into or on to it? ;)

Hi Bonggamom --

Have to confess that I've only tried windsurfing once -- and found it more difficult than fun!

Hi Dragonstar --

You mean the last one? That does seem to be the favorite of most... :)

Hi ewaffle --

No problems re the double post. I've accidentally done it on occasion myself!

Have to say that I've not found it difficult to take photos of water... except when the water's flowing quickly. In any event, thanks much for your complimentary comments re my photography -- and yes, it certainly helps to have wonderful places and things to photograph. :)

Hi Lissa --

Glad to see some "love" for the middle photo from you (and ewaffle). :)

Hi Pat --

Thanks and you too! :)

Hi Sacred Ruminations --

Thanks. :)

Hi Candi --

Thanks for thinking so and telling me! ;)

Hi JasonLifeNotes --

Romantic? Hmmm... actually that thought hasn't entered my unromantic mind! ;b

Hi A. --

Thanks so much for what you wrote. Feel *very* complimented. As for your own writings: I think the best thing is to never feel obliged to post -- instead, post when and on what you want. Lifting the pressure on one self helps -- my two cents on the matter! :)

Mojo said...

Marvelous selections for the theme. Especially the second one, which could almost pass for sepia toning!

Anonymous said...

I love the sparkles on the sea, and have often wished they could be bottled up and stored for looking at whenever one wished. Your photos are near the best of that I've ever seen!

YTSL said...

Hi Mojo --

Thanks and glad you like that second photo. When I took it, the sunlight was reflecting so brightly off the waters that I couldn't actually see into my viewfinder. Just aimed at where the windsurfers were and hoped things would come out okay!

Hi JC --

Thanks much. Words like that from you mean a lot to me seeing as I'm a big fan of your photography. :)

Amanda said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

I love these pictures.. they make me really miss Summer =]

YTSL said...

Hi Amanda --

Funny and believe it or not -- I don't want winter to end just yet!!! Alas, it already seems to be happening here in Hong Kong... :S

tanabata said...

Those are stunning photos! Simply beautiful! Thanks for stopping by mine last week, sorry I'm a week late!

YTSL said...

Hi Tanabata --

Better late than never. Thanks for visiting this week and leaving comments on both the "Warm" and "Thankful" Photo Hunt entries. :)

Horsoon said...

I love these shots, Amazing!

YTSL said...

Hi Horsoon --

Feel very complimented that you think so highly of these photographs of mine. :)