Wednesday, March 25, 2020

A reminder that there's much to appreciate of nature by way of a Hong Kong springtime hike (Photo-essay)

With over 440,000 confirmed cases of infection and 19,752 deaths recorded on the worldometer's Wuhan coronavirus page at the time of my writing this sentence, there's little doubt that this very infectious (among humans) disease is continuing its spread across the globe.  Trying to find a silver lining in the pandemic crowd, reports had emerged about how, in the wake of a coronavirus-induced lockdown, the clarity of the water in the canals of Venice had improved dramatically -- with the implication being that some positive rejuvenation was taking place amidst all the woe.

Sadly, many of the stories that were geared to give people hope turned out to be false.  And for those looking to nature for inspiration (and forgetting that the coronavirus is itself a natural phenomenon), it needs to be borne in mind that the coronavirus poses a lethal threat too to our closest living relatives, the great apes.  Still, this is not to say that we should turn against nature.  Indeed, with Hong Kong having had its share of good weather in recent months, many residents are considering it very much a bonus that we (still) are free to appreciate it by venturing out of our homes and the city and close to nature by way of a hike in the territory's country parks and green countryside!  

And yes, given how long Hong Kong has been dealing with the Wuhan coronavirus (with its first confirmed case having been back on January 22nd), it can seem strange that it doesn't have stricter regulations in place in terms of people's physical movements.  For that, I give a lot of credit to the self- and community-initiated mask wearing and social distancing that has been the rule rather than the exception for most people for months now.  And even while Hong Kong is by no means out of the woods yet in its war against the coronavirus, I am with those folks who are of the opinion that there is no other place they would rather be right now...  

A predominantly green view from Victoria Gap
Viewing the city below from gaps in the foliage ;b
My first caterpillar spotting of 2020! :)
Springtime view from Lugard Road
The pocket park in the shadow of High West looks to be
a nice spot for social distancing (at least on weekdays)!
The Hong Kong Trail takes one downhill from the pocket park,
with views like this to be had from time to time along the way 
A good part of the section from the Peak down to Pok Fu Lam
is actually in areas where the foliage obscures views 
and gets one focusing on the surrounding nature though
Remember the body of water at the top of this photo-essay?  
Well, here's a closer glimpse of Pok Fu Lam Reservoir here! :)


peppylady (Dora) said...

Only a few small sign of spring in my community

YTSL said...

Hi peppylady --

I saw that it snowed in Montana last week. Hope the weather where you are is nicer than that!

sarah bailey knight said...

Lovely photos to take ones thoughts away from current world situation. Thank you so much. Made me smile and go out and take photos of nature....

YTSL said...

Hi sarah --

Thanks for appreciating my photos and being inspired by them. I recently read that one good way to stave off depressing while dealing with our coronavirus-ravaged world is to go for a walk in nature. I find it does help, at least for a few hours. And at a time when we find ourselves social distancing so much, it's good to be able to at least emotionally connect with others via the internet.