Saturday, April 20, 2013

Wither and In a park (This week's Photo Hunt themes)

As regular visitors to this blog know, I regularly spend my Sundays in a park -- more precisely, one of Hong Kong's many country parks.  And as they (including regular participants of Sandi's and Gattina's Photo Hunts) know, I frequently take a number of photos when out hiking in Hong Kong on those days.

But because Hong Kong is a pretty rainy (and also humid) place, one is more likely to be surrounded by greenery that really is green rather than brown, dry and, you know, withered, when out in a park!  So Sandi's part of this week's Photo Hunt most definitely presented more of a challenge than Gattina's!!

After some hunting, I finally came up with the three photos in this entry that features withered leaves or tree branches (but all have quite a bit more color than just the browns one tends to associate with 'wither').  And yes, they definitely all were taken in a park -- and for the record, here's stating once again how much I love that my life in "Asia's World City" regularly includes time out in nature spots as well as super urban surroundings! :)


Trekcapri said...

Hi YTSL, what a wonderful photo collection for this week's dual theme. I always enjoy looking at your hiking photos. The middle photo with the flower is especially cool. I love the composition.

Have a great weekend!

Furries said...

You captured the flower at a great moment - starting to wither but still a vibrant color.

magiceye said...

Cool takes on the themes!

eastcoastlife said...

I have always enjoyed your hiking photos. I showed your blog to a couple of girlfriends who were going to HK for the first time and they were thrilled to see that HK has these beautiful hiking places. Hope they can enjoy an interesting day out in the countryside. :)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

my plant may not last the winter. That red flower? someone left it there?

Photo Cache said...

Hah! You always find ways to combine the themes perfectly.

Have a lovely weekend.

Four-eyed-missy said...

I agree with Photo Cache's comment. I wish I could do the same, too:)
I love your photos. I wish you could post some more. My husband and I also love exploring.

Sreisaat Adventures

YTSL said...

Hi Trekcapri --

Thanks for appreciating my hiking photos -- and remember, there are lots in the blog archive! Hope you have a good weekend too. :)

Hi The Indulged Furries --

Thanks for pointing out the withering but still colorful flower! :)

Hi magiceye --


Hi EastCoastLife --

Thank you for introducing my blog to a couple of your friends. Hope they have a good time in the countryside part of Hong Kong when they come over to visit.

Please remember to tell them to make sure they're properly equipped (ample supply of water, shoes with good tread, preferably a countryside map, etc.) should they decide to go out hiking in Hong Kong!

Hi Ann --

That's a wild flower which dropped from a tree/bush nearby! ;b

Hi Photo Cache --

Awww, thanks for thinking what you do! :)

Hi Sreisaat --

I've posted a fair amount of photos on this blog. Feel free to check the old entries as I've got ones dating all the way back to 2006! :b

Ingrid said...

Beautiful pictures ! and a nice combination of both themes !

Bing said...

i love the first pic best. the withered plant around the tree looked like they were deliberately placed there; served as an art piece.

Anonymous said...

Withered would be hard in that climate but you got some good ones!

Have a great weekend!

Carver said...

Great shots for the theme. I'm playing catch up on visiting with my new computer.

YTSL said...

Hi Gattina --

Thanks, and ya, this was a week when the themes could be combined pretty conventionally! :)

Hi Bing --

I too got to to thinking that the first image was like natural ikebana or something artistic like that... ;b

Hi JDeQ --

Yeah, when I see browns here, it can be a nice change from "too much" green! ;b

Hi Carver --

Hope you're enjoying your new computer. For me, changing computers can be traumatic... so I'm only on my fifth computer since 1991 -- touch wood!

Susan Demeter said...

Hong Kong sounds like a cool place to hike. I prefer the greenery to the withered. :)

YTSL said...

Hi Sue --

Yes, Hong Kong is a cool place to hike. I have to say that being able to go hiking is one of the things I really love about living in Hong Kong.

You prefer withered greenery? :O