Saturday, January 9, 2010

Bulky (This week's Photo Hunt theme)

At the Tam Kung Birthday Parade held annually in Shau Kei Wan, many colorful but also undeniably large and unwieldy (the Oxford Dictionary's definition of bulky) objects are on view in their beautiful -- and at times downright spectacular -- glory. As an example, look at the giant decorative item that tops this Photo Hunt entry temporarily mounted in honor of one of the more locally prominent Chinese patron saint of seafarers in that part of Hong Kong Island that day!

Although lions, unicorns, large flags, costumed Taoist priests and other interesting sights abound at this festival with a wonderfully genuine local community feel about it, it's the long-bodied dragons that often are the most eye-catching of the festival participants. And although they are pretty visually impressive when mounted on a parade float (like in the middle photo), I have say that I'm particularly in awe of those dragons that get guided by teams of dragon dancers on foot along the parade route (as in the bottom photo).

Among other things, who knew before watching them in action that such bulky creatures could actually look so graceful when in motion? I, for one, sure didn't! And yes, here's highly recommending that you make a beeline for Shau Kei Wan should you ever be lucky enough to be in Hong Kong at Tam Kung Festival time... :b


Carver said...

I would love to see that in personal. They are so beautiful to me. I've always loved dragons and these are wonderful. Happy weekend.

candi said...

Bulky indeed, but amazingly wonderful! I would love to see that in person one day.

Thanks for recommending the elephant movie, I'll look for it here. Happy weekend!p

eastcoastlife said...

I heard there are many interesting festivals every now and then. Hope to catch a few the next time I'm in HK. :)

jmb said...

Such lovely photos for this theme YTSL. Somehow bulky is a negative connotation but you have changed it with these photos.

Happy weekend to you.

Annie said...

Love these photos! I too would love to see this parade in person. Awesome take on bulky.

LifeRamblings said...

looks like an interesting procession. i'd love to be at such events.

Unknown said...

colorful and festive...the bulky displays are vibrant.

YTSL said...

Hi Carver --

I hope you come over and visit Hong Kong some day -- and that when you do, the Tam Kung Birthday festival will be going strong. :)

Hi Candi --

Same to you as what I wrote above for Carver. And re "The Elephant Keeper": the regular American channels might not have it but maybe you could check a specialist Thai DVD/VCD purveyor...

Hi EastCoastLife --

Time your visits well and your hopes may well come true... ;b

Hi jmb --

Thanks for the nice comments! And happy weekend to you too. :)

Hi Annie --

I guess I'm whetting people's appetite to visit Hong Kong. Good! :D

Hi Life Ramblings --

One particularly nice thing about this event is that it's full of people but still not overly crowded. Strikes the right balance, really! :)

Hi luna miranda --

Yes, they sure are! :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Lucky you to have seen this parade. I'm feeling quite envious!

Ingrid said...

For once "buldy" is beautiful ! I wished I could have seen this life !

Hootin Anni said...

I just KNEW you'd have a very unique photo hunt. I so enjoy coming to visit with you on Saturdays...excellent choices for the theme.

You ask how cold is it here in South Texas?.....well, my answer [and bulky plumage of bird] is my Photo Hunt Post today. LOL

jams o donnell said...

Large - yes; Unwieldly, I can imagine! but they are impressive. It must be quite a parade!

Bengbeng said...

i read yr comment on tnchick about 4 thin blankets. over here i wish i could use 4 blankets. i am sweating buckets most days

Marites said...

i love those dragon pics. I wish I can take some more pictures of them someday:) have a happy weekend. My ph is up too.

CRIZ LAI said...

Hmm... those "items" do look more colorful than those we have here. I'm sure Chinese New Year would be even more colorful in Hong Kong. :)

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Yes, I always thought Asian art looked bulky, but it's graceful, too. Great photos!!

I goofed for Photo Hunters this week, and did "12" instead of "Bulky." :S Oops. But I decided to leave it up because it's appropriate for this week... and because I didn't want to spend an hour doing a different post! I hope you can visit.

Have a blessed New Year!
Mrs. Mecomber

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

That is an amazing show of bulk!

Kim, USA said...

Missed those festivities. Bulky dancing dragons makes this festivities awesome. Thanks for sharing!


Marta said...

The festival looks great. So colorful. Is pink a significant color to the festival also?

Susanne said...

Very colorful. And definitely some bulky stuff going on!

CherryPie said...

It looks great, such a good idea for the theme.

YTSL said...

Hi "Your EG Tour Guide" --

Would you be doubly envious if I told you that I've seen it twice in two years? ;b

Hi Gattina --

As the HK Sinfonietta liked to phrase it (I have the t-shirt!), Live is Beautiful. :b

Hi Hootin' Anni --

Thanks for your regular visits and enjoying my Photo Hunt entries. Must admit though that next week's theme really might stump me though... ;(

Hi jams --

It is, it is! :D

Hi Bengbeng --

Must admit that I'm generally happy with the cool weather we've got here -- it's just that nights ARE cold and it can be difficult to get out from under the blankets in the morning! :S

Hi Marites --

Some day... ;b

Hi Criz Lai --

Actually, I don't think I've been to a Chinese New Year parade in Hong Kong!!!

Hi Mrs Mecomber --

Welcome back to Photo Hunting -- even if you got the theme wrong this week! :D

Hi Sandi --

Agreed! :)

Hi Manang Kim --

Thanks for looking! :)

Hi Marta --

Pink isn't particular significant but I have noticed that Hong Kongers seem to like it for dragons as well as buildings... ;b

Hi Susanne --

Definitely! :D

Hi Cherry Pie --

Thanks for the compliments. :)

julie said...

I love celebrations like these, so festive!

YTSL said...

Hi Bull Rhino --

I think all our different Photo Hunt entries really go to show that variety is the spice of life! :)

Hi Julie --

I second that opinion! :)

Brita said...

Great take on the theme. Would love to see that for real.

YTSL said...

Hi Brita --

You can see that for real... if you visit Hong Kong at the right time of the year! ;b