Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sad (This week's Photo Hunt theme)

Looking at the first two photos I've posted in this week's Photo Hunt entry, you probably thought to yourself: Now, then, what's so sad about those? Next, you might have wondered: And how does the third photo of Christie Hefner, a couple of male suits (one each from the USA and Hong Kong) and two playboy bunnies have to do with the first two photos?

Well, it's not too often that I get on a soapbox on this blog but frankly, I find it pretty sad that Macau, the former Portuguese enclave turned Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China -- the same Macau whose beautiful historic center has been world heritage listed --is slated to be home to a Playboy Mansion come 2009. Put another way: Is this *really* progress? Is this what is needed to contribute to the territory's economic rise? If so, what a sad statement that makes about the still sadly sexist, often overly sinful world in which we live... :(


Anonymous said...

I understand your sadness. I mean, does the world really need another Playboy mansion? Why not build schools or something for children or needy people? It is sad!

Bengbeng said...

ystl, mayb i can grasp a little abt how u feel, but YSTL, life is short. look for the bright side. do something constructive abt the issue on hand or jst let it be. my take on life i suppose. i am involved in non-governmental organizations n try to make the world a better place within the limitations that i have

YTSL said...

Hi Annie --

Exactly! Or even something more, well, wholesome as a tourist venture!

Hi Bengbeng --

I'm a writer, so to me, writing is power and doing something about it! (And it's YTSL actually... ;b)

Lilly said...

I really support your views on this one. It is really sad. Of course I added you I love your hotos and your interpretation of them. Its been on there awhile!!

Bengbeng said...

to reply to yr comment abt chickens, when u bring them home n unwrap them, u can feel the heat. they r left there until the last chicken is sold or the seller calls it a day.


Lisa said...

Unfortunately we live in a world where everything isn't as it should be. Enjoy your weekend.

Leslie said...

Yes, I understand how you are sad.

Well done with your thoughtful post. :)

jmb said...

I think it would not only make me sad but mad if I lived in Macau. But the dollar is king as always.

My adopted "twin" was born in Macau. We were born on the same day 73 years ago next month and she has entertained me with stories of her home many times. Well she is not exactly sure it is the same day since when she went to school she had to give a western calendar date rather than a Chinese one and her sister told her, November 8th. Hopefully it is correct but we always go to lunch together to celebrate on that day anyway.

Now you didn't want to know all that did you? Have a good weekend YTSL.

Anonymous said...

Awww... yeah, I know how it would feel. When the casino came in our province, I kind of felt the same way.

My Photo Hunt pictures are posted here and here. Happy weekends!

Anonymous said...

Sad and pathetic - like Hefner.

philos said...

Sad indeed.

Hootin Anni said...

You couldn't have DONE better! I so agree. Sad, sad state of minds.

My photo hunt is a 'drawing of sad'...stop by, won't you?

Hope your weekend is treating you well.

Gemma Wiseman said...

I feel it is a sad state of mind that can sink so much wealth and time into such places and then celebrate it when there are far greater needs in the world screaming for attention.

Anonymous said...

Wow - that is sad indeed!!!

Happy Weekend.

Ingrid said...

Very nice interpretation of "sad" !

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is sad indeed.

Dragonstar said...

I've never been able to understand the Playboy mentality, so I can't expect to start now. I find the whole thing rather sad. And why on earth would young girls want to wear jewellery and clothes with the Playboy logo?

I have to say (after the moaning!) that I love your second photo here - the lines and colours are great.

Anonymous said...

Makes one wonder what's the true root of all evil... money or sex. Each is certainly intertwined with the other.

Thought provoking post.
Have a great weekend!

jams o donnell said...

I can't say that the playboy thing has ever appealed to me at all. It looks out of place in a world heritage site.

Carver said...

Excellent take on the theme. That is very sad to me too.

Anonymous said...

Great sad interpretation. Understandable that it makes you sad. Regardless what we think about Playboy, that IS a waste of a beautiful building!

Anonymous said...

Sadness why you are here whaaaaaaaa can i cry with you? Happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots, and thoughtful post. My entry for Photo Hunters is here

Thank you for stopping by :)

H e n r i c k said...

Brilliant post for this week. We can't blame, they always placed money at the first place. Really sad.

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Gosh you are SO right. That makes me more MAD than SAD though. I still can't fully understand why women participate in such degrading activities, and why men --- esp "leaders"-- think they can get away with it. :-p

I did Photo Hunters today, too. I hope you get a chance to visit and post your link. It would make me *happy*!

Anonymous said...

great thoughtful post nice take on the theme.
view mine if you wish here thanks...

Leslie: said...


Anonymous said...

guess progress takes a turn for the worse? who can stop such things when we are taught that money rules and society couldn't possibly change so easily when we all seek what makes us happy instead of making the world a better place? Sad and pitiful, yes, but apparently they seem to be happy

YTSL said...

Hi Lilly's Life (or should I just write Lilly?) --

Thanks for the link (along with compliments) and I'll reciprocate very soon after I finish responding to this week's Photo Hunt comments! :)

Hi bengbeng --

Oh dear re those chicken!!! And heheheh re the correct order for my initials the second time around! ;D

Incog & Nito --

Too true re the first remark. :S

Hi Leslie --

Thanks for the empathy.

Hi jmb --

Thanks for sharing the story about your adopted "twin"! Reckon it's very cool actually. :)

Hi shutterhappyjenn --

Macau has casinos too and have to say that I often find them to be sad places as well.

Hi aileni --


Hi Philos --

My sentiments exactly!

Hi Hootin' Anni --

I did drop by and yes, the weekend has generally gone okay thus far. :)

Hi Greyscale Territory --

Hear, hear!

Hi Pat --

Yup and hope to! ;)

Hi Gattina --

Thank you.

Hi Julie --


Hi Dragonstar --

I think a lot of young girls do because they actually don't know what the logo actually is part of and just think that the bunny on it looks cute. :S

On a happier note: Thanks for complimenting my photo too! :)

Hi JC --

A point to ponder there...

Hi jams o'donnell --

Exactly the points I was trying to share with this entry! Thanks! :)

Hi Carver --

Thanks -- and I really appreciate your (and pretty much everyone who has posted on this thread's) agreement with me on this subject.

Hi Lifecruiser --

Er... Actually, that building WILL remain a church for the foreseeable future! ;D

Hi gen/entry here --

If you cry, you'll cry without me. Must admit that I'm generally not a crier myself! ;D

Hi Sue --


Hi Henrick --

Just wish (and hope) that there are fewer "theys" who prioritize money first in the world...

Hi Mrs Mecomber --

Good point re the mad vis a vis sad. I guess I'm both re this matter... :S

Hi gaj38 --

Thanks and yes, I did visit back... even though you're a MU supporter! ;b

Hi Leslie --


Hi 2lives (Lissa?) --

What I'm hoping -- since the project seems pretty much like it will happen -- is that it won't attract as many customers as had been hoped and they'll abandon it after a time...

Shawie said...

there's just so much evil in this world... I'm just speechless... so sad:(

Anonymous said...

Very, very good point YTSL, I really would have thought there are better things to do these days. It does no good to anyone.

MaR said...

I agree with you, this is really sad. Such a beautiful historical building being used for for superficial, sexist sad...

YTSL said...

Hi Shawie --

Hmm... wouldn't go so far as to call the Playboy Empire evil but can see where you're coming from with those words. ;)

Hi a. --

I can only help that the (coming) recession will put a damper on the Macau Playboy Mansion plans.

Hi mar --

Er... not to worry, that particular historic building *won't* house the mansion!