"Why take drugs when you can fill your life with natural highs?" was the question cum message on a poster I saw on a wall of a dorm at my college so many years ago now. To which, to this day, I would like to concur with a hearty "hear, hear!"
Over the years, I've found a lot of ways to have a lot of highs, highpoints and sheer pleasure in my life. As those who know me know full well, movie viewing gives me a lot of enjoyment. At the same time though, I'd wager that more than one of my friends has been surprised to discover how much hiking I've been doing and enjoying since moving to my version of Movie Mecca (i.e., Hong Kong)... ;b
Earlier this month, one of my hikes took me to Sai Kung East Country Park and along the Pak Tam Chung Nature Trail which connects to the Sheung Yiu Country Trail that takes one to the magnificent -- as I hope you will agree after seeing the posted pictures -- High Island Reservoir that was the first large-scale reservoir in the world to be created from sealing off a coast with large dams.
A wonder of engineering, the High Island Reservoir also is a thing of beauty as far as I'm concerned. And should you wonder: No, it's not an illusion created by the camera -- rather, it really is the case that, at least one the day I was in the area, the reservoir water was a good deal bluer than the still also certifiably blue sky! :)
Those are beautiful photos! There is nothing like nature's beauty. The water certainly is very blue! Lovely choice for the Hunt. :)
I like the lovely blue colour of the water. So tranquil.
Gosh! I thought it was by the coast until I read that it is a reservoir. It's beautiful :)
Hop in for some fun
and/or have a look sometimes why need things to be HIGH
Have a nice weekend!
Gorgeous countryside.
My 'high' is posted now, if you haven't visited I hope you can drop by. Happy Weekend!!!
Beautiful photos! I am also high above water in my contribution. As you put it I should have put that I do get high watching beautiful scenery.
Gorgeous photos and definitely a great post for the theme!
Happy Weekend.
I too agree with words of teh poster. And who couldn't be lifted high by such beautiful scenery?
photoshopped definitely, no ytsl??? how can that be so blue???
excellent photos and the message is better, thanks
What beautiful views! I agree, there's nothing like natural highs.
Hi Dragonheart & Merlin --
Thanks and yes, the water really is very blue! :)
Hi eastcoastlife --
Yeah, it's wonderfully tranquil there. Wish I could bring visitors to Hong Kong who go on and on about it being a concrete jungle over to that area... ;b
Hi Criz Lai --
Well, it is by the coast. It's just a reservoir by the coast now! :b
Hi Hootin' Anni --
Yep, have visited (and yes, I'll do so for those who visit me who I haven't already visited)! :)
Hi Mia --
Yes, it really can be exhilarating to behold and be amidst beautiful scenery, isn't it? :)
Hi Pat --
Thanks and happy weekend to you too! :)
Hi Liz --
Thanks! :)
Hi hd --
No Photo Shop. Really! :)
Hi Sarge Charlie --
Thanks for reading as well as viewing! :)
Hi Barbara H. --
Thanks to you too! :)
Terrific shots... lots of photos, today, making me long for summer...
Those are beautiful photos! Well done.
I love high mountains, but get dizzy when I am on the second floor, lol !
It really is magnificent! Created by sealing off the coast with dams is interesting because that presumably means it is at sea level, or does it? When I first looked I thought it was a reservoir in the mountains, hence the name.
I love hiking too... Have a great weekend!
Beautiful photos! Love hiking too specially scenery like that!
i luv the color of the water..it's so beautiful..great shot!
Beautiful photos and great message. Enjoy your weekend.
Hi JC --
Thanks, and it's warming up as well as muggy over here. While I'm happy that the coldest days are over, I wish that spring could last longer! ;b
Hi John --
Thanks! :)
Hi Gattina --
So long as I'm not at the edge of a mountain and feeling like I could fall off it, am happy... ;b
Hi A. --
High Island Reservoir is not at sea level. The dam wall is very high. At some point in the near future, will post (more) photos from that hike. Then, you'll hopefully see for yourself how high up the reservoir is. :)
Hi Desert Diva --
Looks on your blog like you've got quite a few photos while out hiking yourself! :)
Hi Yen --
Yes, must admit that lovely scenery is a real plus for me when out hiking. :)
Hi Karoline --
Yes, I found my eyes irrevocably drawn towards the beautifully colored water... :)
Hi Incog & Nito --
Thanks for appreciating the message and the photos! :)
Beautiful shots. I agree with you about the natural high - much better and lasts longer than any other kind.
You live in a beautiful place.
Very beautiful place.. Must convince my parents to visit HK again (= hehe
It's so beautiful! How lucky you are to be able to hike along a trail with such views. :D
Hi Dragonstar --
Yes, Hong Kong can be really beautiful -- and should anyone wonder, about 70% of it is actually designated country park and/or not built up at all! :)
Hi Pelfy --
Definitely visit Hong Kong again. And this time, don't just shop and eat here! ;b
Hi "the teach" --
Absolutely agree with your comments! :)
Lovely high places. One always thinks of crowded place in Hong Kong, but you manage to find great spots nearby for hiking. Have a great week YTSL
What a beautiful view from high above the reservoir! Great take on the theme!
Hi jmb --
Thanks and to be sure, Hong Kong does have many crowded places. It's just a pity that so many visitors think there's all there is to Hong Kong though.
Hi Sammawow --
Thanks for appreciating the views in my photos! :)
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