Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Supermoon spottings in Hong Kong last night (Photo-essay)

When I was making my way over to the Hong Kong Cultural Centre to view The Wild, Wild Rose on Sunday evening, I saw the moon in the sky (even though it was not yet dark) and noticed that it was close to full.  A day later, I read that the moon would be full not only in two nights' time but that it would be a supermoon -- and the first of two that this August will have as well.  So I decided to make it a point to go view and take photos of it last night.
After doing so, I now plan to make it a point to catch the larger supermoon that's due to appear on August 30th!  This is because: on the one hand, the moon last night wasn't as large as I had expected and wanted it to be; but, on the other hand, the sight of it already was pretty cool and beautiful to me... :)
The not-yet-full moon in the Hong Kong sky
on Sunday evening
The supermoon shining bright in the sky last night
The supermoon with corona
What's that you say -- the moon's not looking large enough for you?
How's this?
Getting larger...
...and larger still! :O
Thanks to my camera's nifty zoom lens! :b


Anonymous said...

Hi There,

To observe the moon, especially Supermoons, it is best to see it within the hour of moon rise. The atmosphere would act as a lens making it seem bigger.

I tried that on 1st August just after work but there was an overcast, unable to see anything. But when I was home (close to 1030 hrs), the clouds were cleared. It's a bit bigger then use though. If you have a binoculus or a telescope, it would be even better.


peppylady (Dora) said...

I had better moon photo, but I did post over on my blog.
Coffee is on, and stay safe.

YTSL said...

Hi T --

Thanks for the moon observing tips. Will check the hour of moon rise for the next supermoon later this month. :)

Hi peppylady --

I went over to your blog to look at your moon photo. It's... interesting! ;b