Saturday, September 7, 2013

Fave and Shadows (This week's Photo Hunt themes)

For the most part, shadows are things I take for granted as being inevitable components of the photos I take  And there's many a time, especially when I'm taking photos of delicious food, where shadows can get in the way of a good shot. 

But there also are times when the shadows are the focus of my pictures.  And I was duly reminded of this when hunting through my photo archive for fave pics of shadows for Sandi's and Gattina's Photo Hunts this week.

With regards to the photo at the top of this blog entry: A friend and I were waiting to board the ferry to Macau at Shun Tak Centre when I noticed the natural shadow play taking place on a section of its wall.  With regards to the middle photo: yes, that's my shadow inside a seaside Tin Hau temple even while I stood by the doorway outside of it!  

As for the final photo presented today: The shadows of the side railings along a paved trail in Tai Tam Country Park are what made that particular shot worth taking -- and a fave of mine.  And for the record, that particular country park is my fave one on Hong Kong Island -- and one where I've been on many hikes, including the Christmas Day hike that yielded this photo, and another that resulted in one of my fave photo-essays ever (and yes, please feel free to click on that link to check out that entry)! :b    


ancient one said...

I just did the "fave" meme... but I loved all of your shadow pics

eastcoastlife said...

I have to take pictures of subjects from different angles and lighting to avoid showing up the shadows in my pictures. :)

Trekcapri said...

Hi YTSL, a wonderful photo collection. I smiled at your comments about shadows getting in the way of a good shot and when they are the focus of your shot. I kind of know that feeling. :)

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

the 1st image the shadows are very complicated yet interesting.

MaR said...

Love the pattern of the first shot!

magiceye said...

Lovely takes!!

YTSL said...

Hi ancient one --

Thanks for visiting and commenting. It's been a while... ;)

Hi EastCoastLife --

I hear you re that! ;b

Hi Trekcapri --

Glad I'm not the only one who's had those feelings. Hope you have a good weekend too! :)

Hi ewok1993 --


Hi Mar --

Thanks, I'm glad you do. :)

Hi magiceye --

Thank you!! :)

Susan Demeter said...

Like you I love to hike so I would say my fave is the last pic along the trail :) Great collection of shadows and faves :)

my Photo Hunt blog entry for this week

Happy weekend!

Jerry said...

Great shots for this week's theme.

Have a super weekend.

YTSL said...

Hi Sue --

Finally, one vote for other than the top-most photo! ;b

Hi Jerry --

Thanks and hope you have a good weekend too. :)

Aiyah Nonya said...

I am not that particular about shadows... coz I am no expert in photography. s
As long aas I am happy with the shot that will do.
I like the shadow of the railings though. Now I know what to look out for the next time..
Have a great weekend. :)

Carver said...

I love your fave shadows. I'm the same way about shadow adding to some shots and getting in the way of others.

Annie said...

I love all three of these and esp. your shadow in the temple. Hope you're having a great weekend.

YTSL said...

Hi Aiyah Nonya --

Do you take close-up food or nature shots? Those are the ones where I often find that shadows -- specifically mine! -- can get in the way... ;b

Glad you like the railings shadow shot. :)

Hi Carver --

Thanks for liking my fave shadows. Have to say that when I saw this week's Photo Hunt themes, the first photo I thought of was that Shun Tak Centre shadow pic... :)

Hi Annie --

Woohoo, one vote for my shadow in the temple -- at last! Thanks, and hope you have a lovely weekend too. ;b

Ingrid said...

Very special shadow pictures !

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I just love that first shadow shot.

YTSL said...

Hi Gattina --

I'm glad you think so! :)

Hi aspiritofsimplicity --

So do I! :)

Bing said...

the play of shadows in the first pic is very nice.

YTSL said...

Hi Bing --

Thanks for thinking so!