I'll not lie: When reading the theme for this week's Photo Hunt, I found myself wondering whether I could just point you to my Blue Skies in Hong Kong photo-essay that I put up just a little more than a month and be done with it! But, then, I figured that would be depriving me of the pleasure of going through my photo archive and hunting for some more photos with nice splashes of blue in them to put up this week.
While doing precisely that, I came across the third photo in this entry (with -- I think you'll easily agree -- its beautiful blue sky over Clear Water Bay); whereupon I must admit to thinking that, really, I might as well stop right there. But after some thought, I also decided to put up the first two photos even if they pale -- or, at least, seem less outright blue -- in comparison.
The thing with the first photo is that I really like that it shows how, what with the sea being blue as well as the sky, there are times and places (e.g., one afternoon while hiking out in eastern Hong Kong Island) where it's hard to figure where the sea ends, sky begins and horizon is! As for the second photo: some might describe the flower's color as more violet than blue but, all the same, what I like about it is that it's closer to blue -- my favorite color -- than the 'usual' (for flowers anyways) red, pink or yellow! :)
I'm glad you decided to post all three photos because they are all unique and wonderful. Blue is such a rich color (and it's my favorite too!).
Thanks for visiting mine and have a nice weekend!
Yep, for the past 50 years the traditional look siamese went right out of fashion. You could only get the thin, elongated, triangular faced Oriental breed siamese.
My last siamese was one. She died aged 7 from genetic defects.
So when I got another siamese, I did some research and found the one breeder in Australia who was building up a cattery of the old style ones.
I like the variety you are giving us here and all gorgeous blues. Happy weekend.
That's a lovely blue!
Hi Annie --
Thanks for your complimentary comments and hope you have a good weekend too! :)
Hi Leslie --
Teehee, I think in your enthusiasm to answer a query I posted on your blog, you totally forgot to comment re *my* photos... and hence may have left some other readers scratching your heads trying to figure out how it all related to my Photo Hunt entry! ;D
Hi Carver --
Looking at some other Photo Hunters' blue entries, wished that my second photo wasn't so gray-blue. But, heck, gray-blue's still blue. So... :)
Hi Shoshana --
I really love the first photo, where it's difficult to find the horizon line. Amazing!
I agree with you, too, about blue flowers. There are actually very few truly blue flowers in nature, and those that are called "blue" are some of my favorites, as well. If you looked at some of the orchids in my archives, you'd see some of those, too.
Thanks for sharing!
Please stop by if you get the chance - I'm "Blue" on so many different levels this week!
hello! How are you? It's been awhile!
- Daphne Lee
beautiful blue view...
My PH entry this week : in HERE and HERE. Hope you have time to visit . Thanks
Very beautiful landscapes ! (in blue,lol )
i love the third pic the most. it is the type of shot i like to take but never succeed hahahahaah
Perfect Blues and pictures that cover the theme thoroughly.
Hi RJ Flamingo --
And thank *you* for visiting and appreciating! :)
Hi Daphne --
I'm fine, thanks. And yes, it's been a while. (So... you coming over to Hong Kong any time soon? ;b)
Hi Juliana RW --
No worries, did have time -- made time, in fact -- to visit! :b
Hi Gattina --
Thanks! :)
Hi Bengbeng --
For a shot like that, one needs help from mother nature. Hope she'll be kind to you some time. ;)
Hi Aileni --
Thanks! :)
Interesting series of blue photographs you've got here :)
What wonderful photos. Perfect fo this week's theme!
Thabnks for your comment on my Elahe Heidari post. I do love her work. I was delighted to meet her and a number of other superb young Iranian artists in Paris earlier this year.
Have a great wekend
The flower was so beautiful!
My PH entries are posted here and here. Hope you can pass by! Thanks!
Yes, I'm glad to see all three photos - they cover the whole range of blueness. The delicacy of that flower is perfect.
Thanks for your comment on my new camera. I don't know how long it's going to take me to learn to use it properly - on past showing it could take a couple of years ;)
Glad you went through your archives and found more beautiful blues! I love blue flowers!
Wow - all beautiful photos!
Happy Weekend.
This is a great post thanks for sharing. happy weekend.
They are all beautiful blues (my favourite too). I had the same difficulty with some of the shades being "outdone" by the brighter ones, but they do have their own appeal.
They're all beautiful blue colours!
Mine are upHERE and HERE. If you get a chance ;) Happy Photo Hunting!
beautiful photos
Oh I am glad you decided to post all three also. I love them all. But, I am partial to flowers!!
Great shots...thanks for the share!!
Mine is here:
Happy PH;-)))
This is one side of HK that most of us outsiders don't know and that's what I would love to see the next time I visit!
And you are right, Mt. Everest is the one on the left, covered by clouds :)
Good selection of photos. I like the contrast of the sharp green with the haziness of the blue islands, water and sky in the first photo.
Oh, yes, wonderful blues! Sometimes, even on a clear day, it is hard to find the line between beautiful sea blues and the sky!
Was the 1st one is in Hong Kong too? I like the scenery in Hong Kong... very beautiful. Nice entry :)
I like the blue flower, it looks blue to me, it's rare to see blue flowers, at least to me
and I like that first shot, don't think I seen quite an image like that, but then again, I probably need to get out more
lovely photos.
here's my BLUE sky. Enjoy your weekend!
Those are lovely photos! I love blue.
lovely blue shots!
Nice collection of blues here. Hope you're having a good weekend.
Beautiful scenery! One place I would love to visit sometime! Have a great week. Thanks for stopping by.
When one looks through the photos one has taken blue seems to jump out from all of them. You are right, the third one is very special indeed. Happy weekend to you YTSL.
Hi napaboaniya --
Thanks, glad you think so! :)
Hi jams o'donnell --
Thanks and you're welcome re the comments on your blog. :)
Hi shutterhappyjenn --
Am glad I decided to put up the picture of the flowers. They seem to be getting appreciated by quite a few people! :)))
Hi Dragonstar --
Thanks for the comments and enjoy learning what your new camera allows you to do! :)
Hi Mar --
After responses like yours, I'm glad too! :)
Hi Pat --
Thanks and as for the happy weekend -- if only Arsenal could WIN (Sorry for that bit of Greek to non English Premier League football fans)... ;(
Hi gen/entry --
You're welcome and happy weekend to you (too)!
Hi A. --
Notice that you have a very nice set of blues yourself! ;b
Hi Yen --
Happy Photo Hunting -- and yes, I've visited your blog already! :b
Hi Sarge Charlie --
Hi Shinade --
Re flowers: must admit that I've become a real fan after getting more and more into photography -- but wild flowers especially.
Hi ZJ --
Am happy my blog can help point people in the direction of parts of Hong Kong they never knew existed and would now like to check out. :)
Hi sbk --
Glad you like the photos, including the first -- haziness and all.
Hi JC --
Agreed! :)
Hi Henrick --
Yup, the first one's in Hong Kong too. (Can be hard to believe, right? ;b)
Hi 2Lives --
Inspired by Henrick and you to comment further on the first photo: i.e., it was taken while out on a hike in northeast Hong Kong and the view shows one looking down the coast towards the south. :)
Hi Jo --
Thanks and am glad that there's still quite a bit of weekend to enjoy. :)
Hi Tori --
Me too re loving blue! :)
Hi SabineM --
Thanks! :)
Hi Photo Cache --
Re the weekend: have already got in a really nice dinner and looking forward to checking out a play tonight, among other things. Sound good to you? :)
Hi Kissedalotatoads --
Definitely visit some time! :)
Hi jmb --
Agree with there being a lot of blue in our photos. In fact, I've noticed that the predominant colors in nature really are blue (skies, water), green (leaves, etc.) and -- in these parts -- yellowish brown (soil)! :)
All 3 images have beautiful blue tones from dusky to jewel-like (flower) to bright blue! Delightful!
Hi there,
where did you go ? very beautiful sky! anyway, see you soon.
Hi Greyscale Territory --
Thanks for appreciating all three pictures and blues! :)
Hi Sophia --
I presume you mean re the third picture: It's of one of the Clear Water Bay beaches (can't remember whether it's one or two though -- but it's the one closer to the bus stop!). :)
That little blue flower has such a lovely colour.
Hi Liz --
Glad you think so (too)! :)
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