Saturday, August 8, 2009

Low (This week's Photo Hunt theme)

As regular visitors to this blog know, I enjoy
hiking in Hong Kong. Since one of my criteria for selecting the hiking trails I go on is that they show me a different part of the Big Lychee from where I've previously been, I tend not to hike in the same area more than once -- with one notable exception: Tai Tam Country Park on Hong Kong Island; which is not only conveniently accessed from where I live but, also (as I trust that this week's Photo Hunt photos show) has some truly beautiful sections to boot (including around its reservoirs).

More specifically, this week's pair of Photo Hunt photos are of the bridge over a river near the Tai Tam Byewash Reservoir that I've walked over on one hike and spied on two different others. The first time I did so, it was during the dry, winter season; whereas the two subsequent spottings have been during the current wet, summer season. Consequently, whereas the water level is still on the low side in the second (and later) photo, with a few feet to go before the water would reach to the top of the bridge, it still is markedly lower in the first (and earlier) photo.

All told, what a difference a few rainy months and inches of water can make! Still, either way, the combination of bridge, water and green surroundings do make for a pretty sight, don't you think? :b


eastcoastlife said...

What I saw in Hong Kong city was the traffic - vehicles and human. :)

I should spend more time exploring the territory.

candi said...

Very pretty scenery indeed! And great take on the theme.

Happy weekend!

Poopsie aka Blue said...

TY for your visit & comment!
Your bdidge shots make for lovely photo's

jams o donnell said...

I love that you show a side of Hong Kong we don't often see. Have a great weekend

LifeRamblings said...

great pictures and i like your interpretion for this weeks's theme.

Happy PH!

Bim said...

This is a pretty place indeed - but I hope the water won't stay that low for long!

YTSL said...

Hi EastCoastLife --

Sounds like you were only in urban Hong Kong... which makes up less 40% or less of the territory. And yes, definitely think that Hong Kong is worth exploring more. :)

Hi Candi --

Thanks and hope you have a happy weekend too. :)

Hi Poopsie --

You're welcome, and thanks for returning the visit. :)

Hi jams --

I'm glad you appreciate my "alternative" shots of Hong Kong. :)

Hi Life Ramblings --

Thanks -- and BTW, funny that we're both currently in Penang but opted for non-Penang photos this weekend! ;b

Hi Bim --

Actually, the water's not low right now as it's the rainy season!

Gattina said...

Oh yes there is quite a difference !The water is lower !

Vita Stunder said...

Beautiful scenery!!
And thank you for showing us a side of Hong Kong we don't often see.

Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Yes, those are beautiful! I never thought of such beauty in Hong Kong. You're correct: rain makes a big difference.

sarah bailey knight said...

Very pretty walk. Does the water ever go over the top of the bridge?

A. said...

Very beautiful. The trees look a lot more lush in the second picture, no doubt because of the extra rainfall.

gengen said...

What a beautiful one great...happy weekend. Mine is up.

Carver said...

Those are beautiful shots and a great take on the theme. We have finally recovered from a drought which is very visible comparing pictures of the reservoir I took before and after. I didn't even think about using those. I'm getting so many ideas visiting this week that didn't occur to me. Happy weekeknd.

MaR said...

It is a wonderful sight!! and great take on the theme. It's nice to see other sides of HK.
Hope the level of water does not remain low...
Happy weekend!

YTSL said...

Hi Gattina --

Lower in one instance, higher in the other! ;b

Hi Anna (of Vita Stunder) --

Glad you agree that it's beautiful -- and that you like seeing a part of Hong Kong that isn't seen as often as the skyline around Victoria Harbour! :)

Hi Sherry --

Hong Kong's urban sections have their own beauty too but, yeah, have to say that I really love Hong Kong's rural beauty (too). :)

Hi sbk --

Don't think the water will ever go on the top of the bridge... not unless there's a super record-breaking rainy season!

Hi A. --

Everything looks more colorful in the second photo to my mind... in part because the rains tend to chase the air pollution away.

Hi gengen --

Thanks, and not to worry, I did go and visit your blog! :)

Hi Carver --

Thanks -- and yeah, I get lots of ideas (and different perspectives) from Photo Hunting too! :)

Hi Mar --

Actually, the water level's quite high right now relative to other less wet times of the year... ;S

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Outstanding photos! I like the contrast between the two. Mine is up. I hope you can come visit!
New York Photo Hunt

Jasonblink said...

Wow the water can actually reach up to that level? Anyway low water or high water they are still worth looking. Nice

lissa said...

pretty view, I like the green in the water in the second shot

Brita said...

Pretty shots indeed and great take on the theme.

Anneke (Mudhooks) said...

Beautiful! A world away from the big city.

I have added something to my post that I can't believe I forgot. Please check it out. I think you will be surprised the "claim to fame" of the railway line I photographed.

Patricia said...

Excellent photo choice for the theme. Lovely, as well.

kayerj said...

great shots, thanks for stopping by

Colin Campbell said...

Love those structures.

YTSL said...

Hi Mrs Mecomber --

Thanks and actually, I visited your blog before you visited mine! :D

Hi Jasonblink --

In other words: you like both photos? Cool if so! :)

Hi Lissa --

I like the green in/of the water in the second shot too. :)

Hi Brita --


Hi Anneke --

It may seem a world away but it's actually less than an hour's bus ride and several minutes' walk away in one direction and a couple of hours' hike from another -- such is the beauty of Hong Kong! :D

Hi Patricia --

Glad you approve. :)

Hi Kaye --

Thanks, and you're welcome! :)

Hi Colin Campbell --

Am glad you do. :)

YTSL said...

Hi DiXymiss --

Thanks for thinking so as well as visiting. :)

Liz Hinds said...

That is significantly lower.

YTSL said...

Hi Liz --

Glad it's recognisably so to you! :)