A quick recap for those who need it: Last Sunday, I paid a visit to the 10,000 Buddhas Monastery in Shatin and put up my first photo-essay devoted to this religious establishment. And after at least two kind readers expressed an interest in seeing more of my photographs of this statue-filled place, here's obliging one week on with another photo-essay that, I hope, will contain images -- and accompanying comments -- that prove to be of interest. :b
enduring image(s) from the last photo-essay: i.e.,
row upon row of gold Buddha (and/or Lohan?) statues!
the pictured quintet look like they might well be
deep in conversation there! -- that serves as a reminder
that not all of the monastery's statues are gold colored ones! ;)
met the more multi-colored ones
the main monastery complex in the background,
with some more statues in the foreground
is the 10,000 Buddhas Monastery's main building
while in the foreground lies its Kwun Yam
(aka Goddess of Mercy and Kuan Yin) Pavillion
of the gold-leaf- plus lacquer-encased corpse
of the monastery's founder, the late Rev. Yuet Kwai
located in pride of place inside the monastery's main building
This time, a giddy-inducing one that shows
how the temple's walls are filled with row upon row of
a total of 12,800 small Buddha statues altogether
the only statues I saw on the paths up (and down from)
the monastery that look like an actual pair
(as opposed to the others that tended to be situated
equal distances apart from one another)
-- Are they a celebration of friendship?
I think it'd be cool if that were indeed the case... :)
Thank you so much for another entry on the Monastery! I so enjoyed seeing the figures along the walk way. This is what the workers were putting in the day I was there and redirected to a different walk way.
There was a funeral at the main building the day I was there and I saw people burning a paper Mercedes, a fancy home, and a man's dress shirt with tie.
Hi sbk --
Am glad that at least one person is enjoying my 10,000 Buddhas Monastery photo-essays! Re the walkway: I found that there are two -- one leading up from the village near the Shatin KCR station and bus stop, another of which starts from near the government buildings. Still, it sounds like *both* were closed when you visited as both of them are lined with statues...
I like the photos also. May O know where is the place? I had been in Tibet before and there is a 10000 buddhas monastery also ina white coloured building :)
Hi ahhong --
The place in question is above a hill in/near Shatin in the New Territories of Hong Kong. And wah re your having been to Tibet! :)
Hi Willow --
Why did you remove your post? It looked fine to me! :S
That place is just amazing. The shot of the 12,800 small statues is wonderful and, yes, dizzy-making.
Thanks for taking the trouble to continue the essay:)
Hi a. --
Mo man tai (trans. "No problem"!) re continuing the essay. I'm just glad that people are checking it out and appreciating... :)
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