Wednesday, May 10, 2023

An afternoon walk on the Southside of Hong Kong (Photo-essay)

Today's one of those days that I have things to vent about if I so chose.  But it's also a day when I took advantage of the still relatively cool weather -- which I'm enjoying despite the lack of bright sunshine -- and went out for a walk in a part of Hong Kong I'd not been to since early on during the pandemic (pre-masking mandate but when people were afraid of catching Covid if not masked when outdoors).  And for the record: yes, one reason why I've not been out walking that route for the past few years is because I didn't want to do so while masked!  (So, yes, there are some advantages to the mask mandate having been dropped!) 
While walking from Repulse Bay to the area in front of Ocean Park, I not only had a good time but also got reminded once again that there are good reasons why I really f**king love Hong Kong and believe that Hong Kong is really beautiful. And since the number of negative posts on this blog are threatening to out-number the positive ones, here's going ahead and sharing photos that I took earlier today when ; at least a few of which I hope will bring a smile to your face upon viewing them:   

Pigeons and people on the beach, and 
boats on the water, at Repulse Bay
Looking back on my walk at Repulse Bay, with the Twins 
(of multiple steps infamy!) providing a green background
The sky ahead was lighter than the sky behind me as I walked!
A more scenic area to learn to crew than, say, over in Sha Tin! :b
I was far from the only person who was out walking 
along the path I chose this afternoon -- but it still 
was by no means crowded, thank goodness!
At Deep Water Bay, an egret gazed out at humans swimming by :D
A nice day to be at the beach if you're not into crowds! :)
There are times when Hong Kong can seem idyllic;
I just wish it was the case more often than has been so.. :S

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