While searching through my photo archive for something appropriate for this week's Photo Hunt theme, I got to realizing that I actually have a proclivity for taking photos of curved rather than pointed objects. So much so that for a while there, I thought I'd just go with a photo with an optical illusion that makes it look like the buildings in it are narrower at the top than base and pointed towards the sky.
But, then, I realized that there are these interesting pointed structures called pagodas in Asia, and even while the example in my photo -- which actually is a part of the local Thai temple's columbarium -- may not be the most impressive in Penang, never mind the continent as a whole, I think it's worth making a point (pun intended!) to point (and again!) out... ditto with the pointed-topped pagoda-shaped urn spotted in a temple courtyard in similarly multi-cultural Macau . ;b
Those are great shots for the pointed theme. I had to laugh at your intended puns. Fun post and very interesting structures. Happy weekend.
Great pointed photos! Your pictures are always terrific to come and see. :) I hope your weekend is going really well. :)
Yes, I suppose I have put up a few pics of my son lately, you see it's new to me to have a family member representing his country in sport, I guess I am just so darn proud! :)
Great photos and perfect for theme! Happy Weekend;-)
These are PERFECT for the theme! I love your little play on words, too. Have a great weekend. :D
Those are great shots and thanks for the information.
Have a great weekend!
Great shots. I love the look of pagodas. Have a great weekend
Great photos for the theme, and groan at you puns! This week seems to be very punny!
Great shots for the theme. I really like the first shot.
Thank you - I'm glad you liked my Singapore shot.
I agree, these are great photos for the theme.
Hi Carver --
Glad the puns got you laughing! Happy weekend to you too! :)
Hi Leslie Myers --
Thanks and please don't think I'm knocking those shots of your son. Like you say, it sure is cool to have a family member representing one's country in a sport. :)
Hi Yen --
Thanks! :)
Hi Leslie --
Thanks for reading as well as looking... :)
Hi Julie --
You're welcome! :)
Hi Jams O'Donnell --
Hope you have a good weekend too. :)
Hi Dragonstar --
Teeheehee at your reaction to my puns! ;b
Hi David Mcmahon --
Yeah, I like the first shot too. Funny thing is that it's not the pagoda I like in the picture but the combo of new and traditional that it makes with the high rise building in the background... :)
Hi TiOheM --
Thanks! :)
Yes, we have been together almost 36 years.
Great shots for the theme.
Laughing at your comments...
Love the sculptured pointeds you've shared.
Mine's posted.
Wow, that first one looks just like a spaceship to me. A slightly odd one I grant you, but still... The second one looks so very exotic.
Great shots!
Great shots
Cool shots! I love the first photo with the pagoda blending in with the high rise buildings :)
Wow that first photo is amazing! Why is it built that way?
I did Photo Hunt today, too! Come see mine and put your link up. :)
Excellent photos for the theme, as usual in your place!
Have a great weekend.
Those are great examples of pointed... I also laughed at your puns ;-)
Very interesting shots!
I am sure you had no trouble coming up with something wonderfully pointed for this week's theme YTSL. Always interesting here for me. Have a great weekend.
Hi aileni --
(Continuing a conversation begun at aileni's blog:) 36 years, amazing! Congrats to you and dragonstar! :)
Hi Hootin Anni --
Glad you laughed at my comments and re sculpture: I guess you're referring to the second photo? [What's the emoticon to denote scratching one's head, BTW?]
Hi A. --
Must confess that I find your reactions to the pictures rather amusing... :)
Hi Sandy --
Hi Criz Lai --
Thanks and I have a feeling you know where to go to take a similar shot of the Penang structure... ;b
Hi Mrs. Mecomber --
I'm not sure but am hazarding that it conforms to cultural tastes along with the architects and builder's abilities! ;b
Hi SnoopytheGoon --
Thanks. including for becoming quite the regular Photo Hunt visitor to this blog! :)
Hi JC --
Glad to have made people laugh (not just groan) with the puns! ;b
Hi jmb --
Actually, I really did have problems! Looking back, I think I was too picky: casting aside things that were thorny because somehow thorny was more pricky than pointed to me! ;S
I like those pagodas structures, reminds me of olden days, you don't see these in New York, for sure
The first photo is a very interesting building. Great photos and have a good weekend.
Those are great photos of something pointed. :)
Hi Lissa (of 2Lives) --
Re New York: Have you looked? It's hard to believe that there aren't any pagodas in New York when there are a couple in London (one over in Kew Gardens and another, if I'm not mistaken, over in Battersea Park)!
Hi Kissedalotatoads --
Yes, agree that the building in the first photo is interesting. :)
Hi tanabata --
Thanks! :)
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